Friday, March 2, 2018

Weekly Update- March 2, 2018

Happy March!  And, happy end of Trimester 2!

Thank you for a great Staff Power Hour this last Wednesday.  Below is the video we watched on impact.  Please remember - Each of you make an impact, every single day.   This time of year can be tiring and stressful - but, keep your focus on the impact and relationships you make!

Hands-Free Recess:
Starting next Wednesday, we will begin a "hands-free recess".  The goal of this is to decrease the physical aggression & fighting at recess time.   In the entryway, we will have each grade listed.  If the grade makes it all of recess without being physical, they will earn a handprint.  The grade to earn 10 handprints first will receive a pizza & movie lunch (and afternoon!).  I will be explaining this to each grade level on Wednesday.

Literacy Subouts:
We have some upcoming literacy subouts for grade level teachers.   The dates are:

Wednesday, March 7:  1st Grade (AM) & Kindergarten (PM)
Thursday, March 8: 2nd Grade (AM) & 3rd Grade (PM)
Tuesday, March 13:  4th Grade (AM) & 5th Grade (PM)

Our work will center around:
  • Plus/delta of literacy this year
  • What are you currently doing for literacy blocks?  What supports do you need?
  • An article on guided reading
  • Team time/discussion around grade level literacy blocks
Libby will be sending out information in the next day or two on the upcoming learning work.  I'm excited to collaborate around literacy! 

Good News Call Challenge:
Our PBIS team met last night to look through our discipline data (click below to access the final February data).  In our discussion, we realized we need to remember the positives with students and families - both through leadership slips, but also phone calls.  We are offering you a challenge- A Good News Call Challenge!   

Next week, we are challenging you to make positive phone calls home to families on specific students.  We are asking that you call home and tell some positive feedback to families on their child.  Then, tweet a picture of the child (or a picture of you and the child) and call it the "Good News Call of the Day" with our #mckinleystrong hashtag.  For each call you do (and post you put on Twitter), your name will be entered for a special surprise (it's going to be a good one!).  

Example:  "Johnny is our Good News Call of the Day from 3A!  Johnny worked hard today on learning equivalent fractions.  We are so proud of your hard work, Johnny! #mckinleystrong"

MN Teacher of the Year Semi-Finalist:
Congrats to Amanda Gislason for being recognized as a semi-finalist for MN Teacher of the Year 2018.  I can't think of a better art teacher - or educator - to be nominated for this award.  We are so proud of you, Amanda!  

Building Weekly Newsletter:

McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week:
The McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week goes to 5th Grade Teacher, Mark Langlois!  Mark is respectful, compassionate, and focused on what our learners need.  One of the things that impresses me most about Mark is the way he can take a lesson and make it engaging - through a game, collaboration, or just a discussion.  Mark's learners are engaged in their learning because of the structures and opportunities he creates.  Keep up the great work, Mark!  

Have a great weekend, everyone!  Kick your feet up and do some relaxing!  

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