Friday, March 9, 2018

Weekly Update- March 9, 2018

Happy Friday!
We had another great week of learning and growth at McKinley School!

Great reminder - what you do, say, and believe tell the world your priorities.  

Good News Call of the Day:
Wow!  Another example of how the McKinley Staff impresses me!  It's been awesome to see all the "Good News Call of the Day" show up on Twitter.   Because of this, we are extending the challenge into next week.  Remember- for every good news call you make (and tweet out), your name will be put into a drawing for some great prizes (seriously, good prizes!).   So, continue to recognize those awesome, talented leaders we have at McKinley!  

Reframing Behavior:
I found a great reminder on Twitter of thinking about behavior- and how your mindset, thoughts, and the way you respond can all determine if the behavior will escalate or de-escalate.  Take some time to look at this picture and reflect- how do you reframe behavior?
Reflection on McKinleyStrong Assembly:
I had an deep reflection moment after Tuesday's McKinleyStrong assembly that I want to share with you. I had a staff member email me, asking about the video we showed (the recess one with the group of kids).  The person made me stop in my tracks and think because of his/her comments.  The video showed all of the "good behaving" students as white and the "bad behaving" students as black.  It made me stop - we chose that video because it had video footage from actual playgrounds and with real kids.   We were excited to have kids see the behaviors & dialogue in real world situations.  However, we sent another underlying message of white, black, good, and bad.   I know our immediate reaction is "they are kids, they don't even see this".   However, they do.  This is especially true if you are already marginalized due to the color of your skin.

I challenge you to start paying attention to this - what underlying messages, often unintentionally, are we sending to students?

Building Weekly Newsletter
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter
*This is subject to change- I wrote it and know there are changes!

McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week:
The McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week goes to 1st Grade Teacher, Sami Nelson!  Sami is a talented educator who builds a classroom environment on learning, relationships, and the willingness to take risks.   One of the things that impresses me most about Sami is the way she provides support and compassion for her students.  Sami's students are provided with what they need as a person and a learner - all day, every day.    I am honored to work with Sami - keep up the great work, Sami!

Have a great weekend, everyone!  Make sure to spend some time relaxing and enjoying those around you.  Don't forget about Superintendent Elstad's analogy - you carry two balls.  A rubber and a glass ball.  The rubber is work and will bounce back.  The glass is all your personal relationships - that won't bounce back if you drop it!


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