Friday, September 7, 2018

Weekly Update - September 7, 2018

Welcome Back, Everyone!
I have never been so excited to be back at school - in my entire life.  The energy and passion around this year has been amazing.  Thank you for all that energy and positive energy!

Common Planning Time:
I made an error in my original email regarding common planning time.  Per Building Leadership Team's request, Libby will be joining your common planning every other week.  She is there to support, learn, and provide guidance to you.

My Goal- Instructional Leadership/Walkthroughs:
One of my goals for the year is focused on walkthroughs.  As you know, I have always been passionate about instruction and student learning - however, I've let things fill up my calendar that do not allow me to get into classrooms.  Building Leadership Team helped me brainstorm some ways to make this happen - and become one of my goals for the year.   Why did I set this goal?  Student learning is the most critical thing we do here.  To help support this work, I need to be in classrooms to support the real work being done... and be in the "trenches", as some would say.  Also, it helps me find ways to make connections between staff (drawing on your strengths) and ways to learn right along side you.

To do these walkthroughs, I need a few things from you.   First, I need you to be a learner and have a growth mindset.   Yes, I need you to put yourself in the role we expect our students to be in.  We are all learners, each and every day.  As a learner, you take failure, mistakes, and feedback and turn it into a learning experience.  Secondly, I need authentic work.   Don't feel like you need to change your lesson, do something different, or stop the class to welcome me.  Keep doing the work you are doing.  I was an elementary teacher and understand the complex dynamics of this job!   Please keep doing the real, engaging work you are doing as I am in your room.

We have such amazing talent at this building.  I look forward to supporting, connecting, and continuing to grow this talent as we move into the school year!

Observation & Evaluation Cycle:
Just a reminder to check the observation/evaluation cycle document to see where you are at in this process.   On the second page, there are assigned weeks for this.  By assigning weeks, I can manage my schedule a lot easier to truly provide the time and energy you deserve in this process.  I am expecting you to schedule this during your assigned week - Julie will not contact you.  Please email her and set your meeting/observation up.  Thank you!

Impact Statements:
Just a reminder - impact statements are due Friday, September 14.  This includes all staff, not just teaching staff.  The impact statements will be placed in the hallway and will be a statement to our McKinley Community on what we believe our impact is on educating all McKinley students.  I have some turned in already and they are inspirational.   Don't forget to send a picture and your Twitter handle with it.

Family Night & PTO Sign-Up:
If you haven't already, please see the family night and PTO meeting sign up sheet.  We need your help!  Plus, families love to see staff engaged in this.   Sign up by yourself or as a team - but we need your help!

Random Reminders:

  • Infinitec Training - please take care of this ASAP!  This is for all 761 staff!
  • Impact Statements-  As you complete this, please send to me.  I will start hanging these up soon.  This is for ALL staff.  
  • Leaving building during day - if you leave the building during the day, you must sign out.  We need to know where you are in the event of an emergency or someone looking for you.  Please sign out (and back in) at the main desk. 
  • STEAM journals - I am checking with Dr. Meagher to see if we can get Jeffers journals.  More to come on this!  

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week:
Coming your way next week!

Thank you for a great start to the year.  Everything this week has been focused on students and families first.  You are an amazing group of educators - I am honored to work beside you!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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