Friday, October 5, 2018

Weekly Update - October 5, 2018

Happy Friday, everyone!

A huge thank you to everyone for the hard work around guided groups and Power 20!  I know this has been a ton of work to prepare for - with some grade levels not having much time between the start date and your data subout.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!  High quality, purposeful core instruction (including guided groups) is one of the most effective ways to create readers.  I'm excited to see all the growth we have this year!

Also, a huge thank you for your flexibility around our new inclusive model around Special Education and EL.  I know the schedule changes have been frustrating - something we can work on earlier next year.  It's been a learning curve - you change one schedule, it impacts five others.  However, you have stayed focused on what our learners need.  Thank you! 

Belief System:
Do you believe all kids can learn?  Do you truly believe this?  Or, are you an educator who makes comments like "Oh, that kid" or "Man, it's only been a month with these kids!"  Your belief system determines so much of your daily experiences.  First, your beliefs will determine your outlook for the day.  If you are looking for negativity, you will find it.   If you are out seeking the positives, you will find many of those!   Secondly, your belief system can make or break a students' experience here at school.  This includes your thoughts and biases.  If you have already "painted a picture" of a learner in your room - and it's not positive - I challenge you to get to know that student more.  Find time and patience to learn more.  And, if you are biases are standing in the way of this work, walk to your bias.  Learn more about it... challenge it... decrease the way you think about it.  The quote below is from Jimmy Casas, a former principal and now author/presenter around school culture and all kids.   What legacy do you want to leave?

Picture Re-Take & Badges:
Just a reminder - next Thursday, October 11th is Picture Re-Take.  Every staff member needs their picture taken this year!  Everyone!   If you took it on picture day, you are good to go.  These photos will be used for our new badges.

Referrals & Discipline:
A couple of things regarding office referrals.  Please read this carefully so we are all on the same page.

  • If a student is physical and harmed someone, they come to the office.  
  • Please complete the referral completely -including last name, date, time, etc.  We use this data for tracking purposes (to provide supports to students).
  • Please involve me if you are keeping a student in for recess.  I'm seeing more and more students inside for recess.   Due to schedules and space, I should be involved before the consequence is given.  Some students have temporary plans that include staying in for recess - this should not become a daily thing.  
  • Please put referrals in the gray basket behind Julie and Selena - not in my mailbox.  I check the gray box frequently.  When you put it in there, please put this upside down to keep the information confidential.

Independent Reading:
So, now that we've worked hard to create purposeful, high quality small/guided groups, what are the other students doing?  As I've made my way around this week, I see a lot of independent reading.  This is awesome - kids need time to just read!  Something to reflect on - is this purposeful practice/reading of books?  Are students engaged, or fake reading?  Think about it this way - in a basketball game, the coach is off on one side of the court helping two players practice their form.  The other players are shooting hoops at the other end of the court.  If they end up playing tag down there, are they practicing and developing as basketball players?  This is more work we will be looking at this year - what can students be doing, including independent reading, to be purposeful and engaged (while you meet with groups)?  Libby and I will be around the building doing some time-on-task to gather this data.

Cell Phones:
Please monitor the amount of time you are on your cell phone.  I am not making a statement about not using phones, as I know how important they are for internal communication, as well as for posting the learning on Twitter.  However, I'm seeing more and more people on their phones throughout the building.  Please be aware of the time you are using this - especially for non-school activities.  

Learning Work:
Thank you for all your hard work this week around literacy beliefs and feedback.  I absolutely love that this staff is full of learners.  Not only in our meetings, but on Twitter and with each other.  The amount of learning that occurs in this building is fabulous!

Building Weekly Newsletter:

McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week:
The McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week goes to Nurse Brittani Tancre!  Brittani wears so many hats during the day - and keeps our students healthy and ready to learn.  Brittani has compassion, care, and high expectations with everything that she does.  She takes great care of our students' health needs throughout the day.  Keep being awesome, Britttani!

Have a great weekend - enjoy some down time! 

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