Friday, November 30, 2018

Weekly Update - November 30, 2018

Happy Friday, everyone!

Tier 2 Behavior Plans:
A month ago, our PBIS team looked at providing tier 2 behavior plans.  These tier 2 behavior plans were for students who needed some extra time and support around behaviors.  I'm hoping these were developed and shared with all teachers (including specialists) who work with the student.  This includes students who are "off task", who "refuse to work", and are "disengaged".

This week, I saw 10 students in the office for "refusal to work".  I understand this can be frustrating as a teacher - believe me, I was in this situation.  My hope is that these students have tier 2 plans developed and that strategies are in place to "re-engage" the student.  I am here to assist in brainstorming those strategies, if you need.

With those that are coming to the office, I will be asking to connect on those plans.  The plan will help us create a very clear process and support(s) to the student - everyone is on the same page about teaching the student the appropriate behavior(s).

Unconscious Biases:
Last year, we did some work around your unconscious biases.  Remember, these are your hidden beliefs that come automatically - you are usually unaware of them.  It is often defined as "quick judgments and assessments of people and situations".  These biases come from your background, cultural environment, and personal experiences.

Since our work, have you come across any additional biases that you weren't aware of?  Have you addressed any biases?  Remember, the TED talk we watched said to walk right toward those biases - get to know people on a different level and "re-train" your brain to see those biases differently.

As educators, we have an ethical obligation to challenge our biases each and every day.   Our biases create our body language, language, and the beliefs about people and students.  This "unconscious bias" can make or break a student's success in our school.

If you haven't been already, continue to challenge your biases - be aware of them or walk toward them!

Engagement Strategy - Quick Draw:
A Quick-Draw is a great way to get students engaged in their learning - building background knowledge, taking a larger concept and making it understood, or just to solidify their learning.  It's a quick (and creative) way to give students time to think, process, and reflect!

McKinleyStrong Theme of the Month:
Our theme of the month is integrity.  

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week:
Our McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week goes to 3rd Grade Teacher, Karla Wilke!  Karla is creative, energetic, and focused on each individual student.  Karla builds a learning community where students feel valued and welcomed.  One of the things that impresses me most about Karla is the deep, meaningful relationships that she builds with her students.  She is there to help every student. Keep up the great work, Karla... you are McKinleyStrong!

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