Friday, September 27, 2019

Weekly Update - Friday, September 27, 2019

Happy Friday!

Just a couple reminders for teaching staff:

  • Keep sending common planning time invites out to Libby & Justin.
  • If you have changed your schedule or haven't added to the shared folder, please do so ASAP.  I'd like all teaching staff to have a schedule in this folder.
  • Finish setting goals using the Literacy Continuum so that you are ready to start purposeful guided groups early next week.  Share these goals with an interventionists (especially if it's an LLI intervention).

Homecoming Next Week:
Join us for Homecoming Dress Up Days next week!  A huge thanks to Val & Karla for organizing this!  Please share with students!

Additionally, our lunch schedule will change for Friday with the parade early release (we release at 12:25pm).  Below is our lunch schedule:  

Friday, October 4 Lunch Schedule:
10:45-11:15 Kdg
11:00-11:30 4th Gr
11:10-11:40 3rd Gr
11:20-11:40 1st Gr
11:30-12:00 5th Gr
11:40-12:10 2nd Gr
*If weather allows, lunch will be served outside.  If not, we will do a picnic style lunch in gym.

Also, please know where students are going on Friday - pick up, bus, walk, etc. Every year, this seems to be an issue and we have students waiting in the office. Please be proactive and find out where students are going after school. Thank you!

Intervention Subouts:
Next week, we have subouts to plan for our fall interventions. Attached is a schedule for those subouts, which will occur in the Learning Studio South. Please join us if you work with that grade level with reading - and please be ready to come and discuss students' strengths, needs, and placements for interventions. If you completed a decoding classwide intervention (P3), please bring any PRESS progress monitoring that you did with to the subout. Fastbridge progress monitoring for fluency will already be recorded on your data cards.

The Power of Family Communication:
There is so much power in engaging with families - on many levels.  As we have been in school for about a month, I am seeing a small trend - not connecting with families when behaviors arise.  As much as I understand the power of "making those deposits", I also think it's critical that we involve families in the concerns we have, too.  This past week, I have dealt with a few situations in which the staff says, "this seems to be a pattern" and the families say, "We had no idea this was going on".   Please don't forget to involve our families - for positive communication, but also the situations you need assistance with.

Are you the Best Part of that Student's Day?
This week, I came across an online article that advocates for the fact that we are often the best part of students' days - even for those students we can find challenging.  This is such a mindset shift for me - we often assume that, if a student shows behavioral needs, they don't want to be at school.  However, the article advocates for the opposite - sometimes you are the best part of their day!  Take a few minutes to read:

Camp McKinley:
A huge thank you to Julie Bauer, Sami Nelson, Laurie Wolhart, Chelsea Van Roekel, Dani Rypka, Madie Conley, Danielle Nystrom, and Kathy Feltes for their help in planning our first family night - "Camp McKinley".  The family night is Thursday, October 10th from 5:40-7:00.  The night will consist of a pizza meal and different camp-related stations.  Join us if you can!

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week:
The McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week goes to Special Education Paraprofessional, Bernie Jensen.  Bernie is flexible, dedicated, and passionate about our students.  Bernie is always willing to "step in" to support our students and/or the work we are doing collectively.  Bernie puts 100% effort into everything she does.  We appreciate you, Bernie - keep being #mckinleystrong!

Have a great weekend!  - Justin

Friday, September 20, 2019

Weekly Update - Friday, September 20, 2019

Happy Friday!
Just a reminder to Grades 1-5 Teachers - Fountas and Pinnell data needs to be entered into Infinite Campus by 3:00pm today!


Awfulizer -vs- Awesomizer:
During our awesome school year kick-off, Jimmy Casas introduced us to two people in a building - an awfulizer (someone who negatively impacts the culture) and an awesomizer (someone who positively impacts the culture).  Overall, our building is filled with awesomizers who are working hard to support kids and make McKinley a great place.  Thank you to those of you who help positively impact our culture - being positive, professional, and all about kids.  Thank you!

This past week, I saw some behavior that, unfortunately, showed some awfulizer behavior.  The biggest I have witnessed is the whole idea of complaining to everyone else in the building, instead of going to the person.  And, in all honesty, over things that really don't even require our time to complain.  As we move into the school year, I'm asking you to do some serious reflecting - am I being an awfulizer or an awesomizer?   We have so much hard work to this year - we don't have time for the awfulizers.

Professional Learning Request Form:
Are you looking to see one of your amazing colleagues in action?  Get into other classrooms?  Learn with (and from) your colleagues?  If so, consider completing the Professional Learning Request Form!  This form is for ALL staff, not just teaching staff!

How does this work?  Complete the form - with who you want to see or an area you want to observe (if you don't know who).  I will reach out to you - and establish the date that you want to observe.  Then, I will come in and cover for you so you can continue to learn.  It's that easy!  Remember, we are a learning organization - all of us!  Continual learning is what will move us forward to support all!

Setting Goals with the Literacy Continuum:
You have your Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessments all completed, so that means it’s goal setting time! Next week is the week to spend some time setting goals for your readers so that guided group instruction has the greatest impact possible. If you would like to collaborate around this, reach out to Libby (it’s one of her favorite things to collaborate around). 

If you’d like ideas for goal tracking, check out this link:

Your Words Matter:
As you know, your words, body language, and demeanor all impact a student's experience with you.  There is so much power in this - particularly when you start to look at the "underlying message" you are sending.  Below is a great reminder of the power of our words.   Your words - the actual words AND the underlying message - are sending a message to our students.  What do you want that message to be?

MN Wild Educator Night:
I received this earlier in the week - a great deal for those of you who love hockey!  Details below:

Professional Development Reading Opportunities:
For staff looking for reading material related to racial equity, Teaching & Learning is building a small library of equity-related titles available for “check out.”  Click the link to see a list of available titles: Equity Books.  To request a title, complete this FORM which will notify Kayla Stanton who will send the book your way or communicate availability.   

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week:
The McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week goes to our 2nd Grade Team - Katie Demmer, Lori Huisenga, Val Seath, Kate Seifert, & Caryn Boetel!  Our 2nd Grade Team is collaborative, flexible, and focused on every student, every day!  This past month, the team has shown this flexibility and focus over and over again - during their work in common planning, making schedule changes, and their interactions with our learners.  Way to go, 2nd Grade!  Keep being #mckinleystrong!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Friday, September 13, 2019

Weekly Update - September 13, 2019

Happy Friday, Everyone! 

A combination of a full moon and Friday the 13th..... We will survive! 

STEAM Gear - Students & Staff:
Monday is our day for students and staff to wear STEAM gear!  This includes jeans, if you'd like.  Yes, I just made your Mondays much easier.   I will take Starbucks as a thank you... :)

PLC Goals:
PLC goals should be entered into Standards for Success (formerly Stages) by October 15.

Garbages & Recycling:
Our Buildings & Grounds Crew is requesting that we move our garbage to the back of our room each night.  They are having a hard time getting all the cleaning done each night  - this would help greatly. 

Also, please make sure that only recycling is ending up in your recycling bins.  We get charged (monetary) when other items end up in there  - it's been happening.  Please help remind students. 

Library Transformation:
Thanks to feedback from our students, we will be doing some transformation of our library to make it into more of a learning space, rather than just a space with books (not that books aren't important!).  The transformation will begin on Thursday, October 3 and be finalized on Friday, October 4.  This is Homecoming Week - we will still be able to use the space for 1st Grade's Teddy Bear Parade.  More information to come; however, please know the library space will be closed October 3 & 4.

MTSS/Intervention Subouts:
Reserve the date - Monday, September 30 & Tuesday, October 1 for MTSS/Intervention subouts.  This is a time (2 hours) where we will go through each students' data and determine the appropriate intervention for him/her.  This is similar to the work we did last year.  Subs have been entered for classroom teachers - more info on Special Education & EL subs soon!  Save the date! 

Love Them First - Kare 11 Documentary:
I'm not sure how many of you watched this documentary last night about an elementary in North Minneapolis who is doing everything they can to create an environment of love, relationships, and high expectations.  If you missed it, below is a link (they said the whole video would be online).  It's well worth the hour to watch... very, very powerful.   In fact, I cried during many parts of this. 

The documentary also helped ground me (again) in the work we are doing.  At many times during this documentary, I thought of McKinley Staff - or each of you individually.   You are making a difference of our students.

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

This picture stood out to me on the day that we listened to Casas - "Remember what you said you were going to do for students when you sat in that interview chair?"  Are you doing this?  Doing more?  Very powerful!

Have a great weekend, everyone!  Enjoy some time to celebrate YOU!

Friday, September 6, 2019

Weekly Update - September 5, 2019

Welcome Back, Everyone! 
What a great week of relationships, relationships, relationships!  It's great having our McKinley Family back in the building!

McKinleyStrong Assembly - Monday:
We have our first assembly this Monday at 8:55am.  Please check the seating arrangement so you are aware of where to sit.  If you have questions, please see Justin Lang. 

Better Together Session 2 - Who Do We Want to Be as a Community? 
Next Tuesday, September 10, a townhall meeting will be held at OMS from 6-8pm.  This is a second-part series on creating a sense of belonging for everyone in Owatonna, regardless of your race.  There was a great turnout for session 1 - consider joining session 2!  We need your input!

Lunchroom Routines:
Please remember to stick to your assigned lunch times.  If you are even a few minutes late, you will impact the other grade levels. 

Also, after lunch, EA's will be walking grade levels down to classrooms.  We will not be dismissing individual classrooms in the lunchroom, even if a teacher is present.  It's pretty busy in there, too hard to send individual classes, & there isn't much room. 

Impact Statement/Your "Why":
Please get these updated and sent to me.  This includes ALL staff - not just teaching staff.  If you have questions, please let me know. 

Last year, we took some time to examine biases - how they impact our experiences with ourselves, as well as others.  Below is a great reminder of the power of biases.  As you enter into week two, I'm asking you to reflect - what biases do you have any how are they impacting our learners? 

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

Have a great weekend, everyone!  Rest up and get ready for week 2!

Monday, September 2, 2019

First Week of School - September 2019

Welcome Back!  2019-2020 is going to be the best year ever!

Our theme... "Work Hard and Be Kind!"  We will be having signs made for the building - more to come!

Jimmy Casas Follow-Up:
I've heard some great feedback from staff on how powerful our welcome back day was.  I agree!  In fact, the District Leadership Team read this book over the summer.  If you think his presentation was great, you should read the book.  It's a very easy read - it helps keep you grounded and energized!  Click here to read the book review on Amazon.

Because of the excitement around Jimmy and his work, I am excited to offer another Culturize book study.  If you join us, we will purchase your book.  This book study will be completely participant-driven.  You will decide the format, location, and dates for this book study.

If you are interested in joining our book study, please complete the linked form.

Why Board:
Please don't forget to get your "why" updated and sent to Justin.  Every staff will complete this - if you did one last year, please update it for the year.  If you need help with it, please check out the directions.  Thank you!

Caring School Community Resources:
If you are looking for online resources for CSC, please click this link.  It will take you to a page to set up an account.  This is mainly for classroom teachers or those who will support teaching the CSC through morning meetings.

Welcome Back Presentation:
We had a great welcome back meeting on Tuesday.  Thank you for your mindset and hard work around all students.  Here is a link to the slideshow we used that morning.

Problem Solving Team:
If you are looking for assistance with a student, please let our PST know.  This can be for a student who is struggling (academically, behaviorally, socially, etc.) or a student who need enrichment.  This is for any student who you need support with. 

Please check out the steps to take on our directions sheet (linked) and then complete the request form (also found in the Hub).   Libby and Sami Nelson will reach out to you with questions, or to schedule a date. 

How to Create Emotional Space:
Below is a card from the presentation that Sami, Michelle, Val, and Annette did.  These are some great tips to remind us of our job - to regulate and support our learners.

How to Create Emotional Space
Give acceptance without solving the issue.
Ask exploratory question to create a deeper understanding.
Allow the child to be upset without insisting the child stop being upset.
Accept that the child’s reality may be skewed and do not try to convince him of a different reality
Tolerate the negative and exaggerated feelings the child expression for the moment in order to help him calm down.
Give understanding to the child’s issue but not necessarily agree with it.
Be kind, loving, safe, and patient.
Listen with no agenda of teaching a life lesson. Simply listen. The life lesson will come afterward.
Validate the child’s struggle without identifying what he needs to do differently.  That will come later when the child is calm, regulated, and ready for change.
Engage in the conversation but do not force or insist on answers.  Let it unfold naturally
Focus on the relationship.  Strive for emotional safety and stay regulated.  Trust in the process!

YSL Request:
YSL is looking for site placements for high school students.  YSL stands for "Youth Service Leadership" and is a class for high school students to volunteer in schools, learn more about teaching, and support the community.  They come for a period (usually 1 hour) during the length of the class.   If you are looking for any help in the room, they are a great resource!
YSL Site Supervisor Request Form

Building Weekly Newsletter
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

It's going to be a great first week of school - woo hoo!

October 4 Update

Happy Homecoming! Another great week at McKinley!    Toot Your Horn Thursday: This week's Toot Your Horn Thursday Winner is Brenda Hager...