Monday, September 2, 2019

First Week of School - September 2019

Welcome Back!  2019-2020 is going to be the best year ever!

Our theme... "Work Hard and Be Kind!"  We will be having signs made for the building - more to come!

Jimmy Casas Follow-Up:
I've heard some great feedback from staff on how powerful our welcome back day was.  I agree!  In fact, the District Leadership Team read this book over the summer.  If you think his presentation was great, you should read the book.  It's a very easy read - it helps keep you grounded and energized!  Click here to read the book review on Amazon.

Because of the excitement around Jimmy and his work, I am excited to offer another Culturize book study.  If you join us, we will purchase your book.  This book study will be completely participant-driven.  You will decide the format, location, and dates for this book study.

If you are interested in joining our book study, please complete the linked form.

Why Board:
Please don't forget to get your "why" updated and sent to Justin.  Every staff will complete this - if you did one last year, please update it for the year.  If you need help with it, please check out the directions.  Thank you!

Caring School Community Resources:
If you are looking for online resources for CSC, please click this link.  It will take you to a page to set up an account.  This is mainly for classroom teachers or those who will support teaching the CSC through morning meetings.

Welcome Back Presentation:
We had a great welcome back meeting on Tuesday.  Thank you for your mindset and hard work around all students.  Here is a link to the slideshow we used that morning.

Problem Solving Team:
If you are looking for assistance with a student, please let our PST know.  This can be for a student who is struggling (academically, behaviorally, socially, etc.) or a student who need enrichment.  This is for any student who you need support with. 

Please check out the steps to take on our directions sheet (linked) and then complete the request form (also found in the Hub).   Libby and Sami Nelson will reach out to you with questions, or to schedule a date. 

How to Create Emotional Space:
Below is a card from the presentation that Sami, Michelle, Val, and Annette did.  These are some great tips to remind us of our job - to regulate and support our learners.

How to Create Emotional Space
Give acceptance without solving the issue.
Ask exploratory question to create a deeper understanding.
Allow the child to be upset without insisting the child stop being upset.
Accept that the child’s reality may be skewed and do not try to convince him of a different reality
Tolerate the negative and exaggerated feelings the child expression for the moment in order to help him calm down.
Give understanding to the child’s issue but not necessarily agree with it.
Be kind, loving, safe, and patient.
Listen with no agenda of teaching a life lesson. Simply listen. The life lesson will come afterward.
Validate the child’s struggle without identifying what he needs to do differently.  That will come later when the child is calm, regulated, and ready for change.
Engage in the conversation but do not force or insist on answers.  Let it unfold naturally
Focus on the relationship.  Strive for emotional safety and stay regulated.  Trust in the process!

YSL Request:
YSL is looking for site placements for high school students.  YSL stands for "Youth Service Leadership" and is a class for high school students to volunteer in schools, learn more about teaching, and support the community.  They come for a period (usually 1 hour) during the length of the class.   If you are looking for any help in the room, they are a great resource!
YSL Site Supervisor Request Form

Building Weekly Newsletter
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

It's going to be a great first week of school - woo hoo!

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