Friday, November 8, 2019

Weekly Update - Friday, November 8, 2019

Happy Friday, everyone!

Problem Solving Team:
Click here for an awesome video on our Problem Solving Team process (thank you, Libby!)

Just a friendly reminder of our Problem Solving Team!  This team is available to assist you (and ultimately students) throughout the year.  As we have learned from previous years, our team's requests fill up pretty quickly in January (after winter brenchmarking).  If you have a student you are concerned about - due to teacher observation, assessments, or progress monitoring data, please request a meeting with our team below! 

Problem Solving Team Request Form 
Problem Solving Team Process

Winter Gear:
Please remind students to bring in winter gear.   I have posted some requests on social media, too.  If you have students who did not bring gear, we have hats and gloves in the office.  However, we will not be a regular distributor this year.  If a student continually borrows gloves, we will ask you to make a call home to remind families that they need the gear.  If the family is in need of support, please connect them with Annette. 

October Office Referral Data:
Below is a link to our October ORD.  Our McKinleyStrong Team met last night to look through this data.  Overall, our referrals are down by 47 majors from last year.  That is a great thing!  As we know, less time in the office means more learning time!  Our physical aggression data is higher than normal.  We are going to pull the data deeper and share with teams, by grade level.  Look for this information in the next couple of weeks. 

Click here to access the data

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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