Friday, February 28, 2020

Weekly Update - Friday, February 28, 2020

Happy Bowling Day!

Learned Helplessness:
One of the things I love most about our staff is their continued commitment to students - and the fact that you won't give up on students, even when they've given up on themselves.  I've been in four conversations this week about students - and learned helplessness. 

When students become dependent on an adult, they gain something called learned helplessness.  This concept really centers around the idea of a student not going through productive struggle because they know that at some point, there will be a person/adult/answer/thought provided.  When we create programming for students, this can often unintentionally happen.  Particularly, if the student is "at risk" and has more than one teacher. 

As I stated earlier, teachers are not intentionally doing this.  We are creating learning experiences for students that can sometimes enhance this concept.  I remember vividly when I was teaching 5th grade.  I had three students who struggled - they'd shut down, complain, and wouldn't get anything done during independent time.  I had a colleague observe and shared this concept with me - I had created a day for these students that almost always had an adult there to work with them (teacher, para, EA, etc).  Because of this, they fell apart when they didn't have this adult there.  I had great intentions by giving them the support; however, it was actually working against what I was trying to do. 

I'm asking you today to watch the video and start to think through this whole idea of learned helplessness. 

MCA Training:
Just a reminder - MCA trainings are next week.  You need to either choose Tuesday PM or Thursday AM.  An invite was sent out on February 16 to those who need to attend.  If you are not sure, please see me.  Thank you! 

School Social Workers Week:
Next week (March 2-5) is School Social Worker's Week.  This is a week to recognize Annette and all the work she does for our students and staff.  Please take some time next week to thank Annette. 

Staff Resignations:
I am saddened to report that Erin Hagen and Jocelyn Victorino have given their two week notice.  Both have taken other positions.  Erin's last day is Friday, February 6;  Jocelyn's last day is Friday, February 13.  Please join me in wishing them the best of luck in their future positions!

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

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