Friday, May 1, 2020

Weekly Update - Friday, May 1, 2020

Happy Friday, everyone!
It's going to be a beautiful weekend - make sure you turn off the technology and get outside! 

Teacher Appreciation Week:
Next week is Teacher Appreciation Week (May 4-8).  Each of you have many things to celebrate - we have an amazing group of caring, supportive adults who put their all into supporting our students.  Please take some time next week to "thank" each other - virtually, email, text, note, or in person.  We have MANY things to celebrate! 

A huge thank to our staff for being compassionate, committed adults who put others needs before their own.  I am honored to work with our McKinley Staff! 

Teacher Workday Options:
Click here to access the teacher workday options.  This is a list to help guide teaching staff in planning for today and Monday. 

There is a reflection link in the document.  Please make a copy and complete the reflection.  Please take some time, on your own, to think deeply about the questions.   Please email to Justin when completed. 

How to Make Distance Learning Engaging:
Here's a link to some ideas on how to make distance learning engaging.  This will be super helpful as we enter into May...

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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