Friday, September 11, 2020

September 11, 2020 Update

Happy Friday!
Don't forget, Impact Statements are due today!  We need them for Monday's Staff Power Hour.  Get them to Justin today.  

Students Switching Models:
A huge thank to you everyone for your flexibility in the switches that are occurring between distance learning to in-person.  A HUGE thank you to Steph & Selena for organizing these switches.  I know there has been some frustration around "well, families had to choose until January".   We did ask families to make a decision; however, because we provide an education to students AND know that many of our scholars need to be at McKinley, we need to allow these changes.  We are hoping this minimizes as the weeks continue.  Please know, we will continue to communicate the changes to you (if any) and appreciate your flexibility!  

COVID & Communication:
We are already experiencing families who are coming into contact with COVID and are making decisions on programming based on the MN Dept of Health Decision Tree.  Please know this is a process that we follow that is in accordance with the state.  

One request - please limit the conversations we are having about students and COVID.  We have to remember that this is a health privacy issue that we need to be respectful of.  I'm hearing more and more conversations among staff of whether or not a student has COVID.   This conversation really should not be happening.   Just like if a student had any other medical need, the office will communicate that the student is going home to the classroom teacher.  Really, no one else should need to know this.  Please, please, please do not engage in these conversations moving forward.  

Social Media & CDC Guidelines:
First, don't forget to "tweet" out all those awesome things you are doing in your classroom.  McKinley has always done a great job of using social media- please continue this!

When you are posting pictures on social media (or sharing pictures with families), please make sure we are following CDC and MDH guidelines (socially distanced, masks, etc).  The community - and society- are watching for this.  It's another way for us to show our commitment to keeping students safe and healthy.  

Copy Code Limits:
We are aligning to the other buildings and starting to monitor copy codes.  Each of you now has a 2,000 copy limit on your account.  If you go over this, you will need to talk to Steph.  Please, please, please make sure that you are sending away large quantities of copies AND doing more work virtual and through Google Classroom.  We are WAY over on our copy budget each year and this will help.  Also, please make sure you are only using your account.  

Building Weekly Newsletter:

I hope you find some time to get outside and enjoy your weekend! 

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