What's a coaching cycle? First, it's focused on student learning. You and Katie will identify a focus for student learning that you would like to impact with the group of students you are working with. Together, we will co-plan and co-teach some lessons that support that learning focus. We will plan a way to monitor student growth and progress during that coaching cycle, and then check in to see how we are impacting student learning and adjust accordingly. Coaching cycles can vary in length, with full coaching cycles lasting 6-8 weeks. We may not co-teach every lesson together, but we will plan how the learning will connect throughout the cycle. This is a great opportunity for us to learn together, implement best practices in instruction, and impact student learning in a positive way!
Friday, October 29, 2021
October 29 Update
What's a coaching cycle? First, it's focused on student learning. You and Katie will identify a focus for student learning that you would like to impact with the group of students you are working with. Together, we will co-plan and co-teach some lessons that support that learning focus. We will plan a way to monitor student growth and progress during that coaching cycle, and then check in to see how we are impacting student learning and adjust accordingly. Coaching cycles can vary in length, with full coaching cycles lasting 6-8 weeks. We may not co-teach every lesson together, but we will plan how the learning will connect throughout the cycle. This is a great opportunity for us to learn together, implement best practices in instruction, and impact student learning in a positive way!
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
October 20 Update
Friday, October 15, 2021
October 15 Update
- Rebuilding relationships
- Regulating students
- Re-establishing routines
The Equity and Inclusion Team is studying the book “Start Here Start Now: A Guide to Antibias and Antiracist Work in Your School Community” by Liz Kleinrock. We recently read a section on practicing viewing students, families, and communities through an asset lens. This reminded me of the work we have done with student-first language, but takes it a step further. We have become very good at using student-first language when talking about our students and student groups. However, this section stopped me in my tracks and made me wonder how often this language is still deficit based. The excerpt below details a couple examples of this language.
(excerpt taken from page 6)
“Looking back at my own journey, I cringe when I think about how I used to proudly share that I taught in a Title-I school. There are so many words used to describe students and schools, like urban and disadvantaged, that carry so much negative weight, yet educators use them to convey defining characteristics of their environments. Think about the language you use when you refer to your students and ask yourself whether you use phrases that focus on what they can do as opposed to what they can’t. For example, the label English Language Learner views the student through a deficit lens because they are not fully fluent in English, while an asset lens may view the student as an emerging bilingual, which celebrates their access to two languages. Education researcher and teacher Gloria Ladson-Billings wrote about the “education debt,” which focuses on inequitable systems, as opposed to the “achievement gap,” which blames students for their perceived lack of success.”
This really made me think about how I may sometimes subconsciously view our students, even when using student-first language. The Equity & Inclusion Team encourages you all to continue to challenge yourselves and each other by viewing our students, their families, and our communities through an asset lens.
Visitors in the Building:
Starting on Monday, October 18, we will allow visitors for educational reasons. This includes pre-approved volunteers in classrooms, Grandparents for Education, Junior Achievement, or guest speaker (please talk to me before scheduling). This does not include families visiting classrooms or having lunch with children. If you have questions about this, please see Steph or Justin.
Data Requests:
If you get any data requests, please forward this request to Chris Picha (and let me know, too). We are having outside community groups requesting data and information about curriculum, professional development, etc. These requests need to go through Chris Picha. Please let me know if you get one and I can help assist you.
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter
Friday, October 8, 2021
October 8 Update
- Continue to socially distance, as much as possible. This includes times you are eating lunch and/or meeting with other adults.
- If you are a close contact, I highly recommend you wear a mask.
- Be prepared & organized. Any of us could be required to go home (COVID positive case) at any moment. You would not have time to get ready for a sub, etc.
- Keep track of who is contact with each other (students and yourself). This includes anyone who has been in contact for over 15 minutes within 6 feet or less (being masked does not matter).
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter
Friday, October 1, 2021
October 1 Update
Wear blue, silver, and Husky gear!
9:00-9:30 Teddy Bear Parade (1st and 2nd Grade)
Parade will go through the library, hallway from library to Kdg, Kdg back to main hallway, and main hallway.
10:00-10:30 McKinleyStrong Celebration (virtual)
This will be a picnic lunch (lunch served inside).
10:40-11:10 2nd Grade
10:50-11:20 1st Grade
11:00-11:30 5th Grade
11:15-11:45 4th Grade
11:25-11:55 Kindergarten
11:35-12:05 3rd Grade
Release at 12:25pm
Kdg & 1st - start releasing at 12:15
2-5th Grade - start releasing at 12:20
Please know where all students are going on this day.
1:30 Homecoming Parade
Supervise the parade or remain at work until normal contracted time.
a. Harassment Prevention (previously anti-harassment training)
b. Bullying Basics
c. Mandated Reporting
d. Student Confidentiality
Once you have viewed each video, you must take the quiz and receive a score of 80% or higher, otherwise you will need to re-watch the video until you achieve 80%. DO NOT print out the certificate. We will pull reports from the system and provide the results to the appropriate administrators and committees. The training needs to be completed by October 29, 2021. If you have any issues, please contact your building Technology Integration Specialist, thank you!
February 28 Update
Happy Friday! Toot Your Horn Thursday! This week's receipent is 3rd Grade Teacher, Katy Furniss! Katy was nominated by Karen Thurnau fo...

Happy Friday! 3 Tips to Make Any Lesson Culturally Responsive (click for link): A quick, great read on creating opportunities to link...
Good morning! Winter Break is almost here! We can do it! Just a reminder - please be sensitive and aware of the upcoming win...
Happy Friday! Another great week of learning and relationships! Reminders: Purchasing deadline is April 30 - this is for any purchases, i...