Wednesday, October 20, 2021

October 20 Update

Happy MEA! 
We've made it!  I hope you find some time over the next four days to turn off school and rejuvenate yourself!  You've certainly earned it!  

Exhausted Educator - I See You! (By: Beth Houf)

Exhausted educator, I see you.

In your classroom teaching, working hard to meet the needs of all your students. Engaging, motivating, educating, empowering all the while being thrown obstacles that could easily derail your best laid plans.

I See You

Pouring your heart into the mental and emotional needs of your students. Intervening, worrying, researching to figure out how to help in situations you had no part in creating.

I See You

Struggling to keep your sanity and calm. Smiling bravely even though you want to cry at times. Volunteering to help, even though you are behind because you know our kids need it. Staying positive even though you feel anything but.

Exhausted counselor and student support personnel, I see you.

Seeing and hearing things that take your breath away. Balancing multiple responsibilities while being ready to handle an emergency at any moment. Barely keeping up with the endless demands and expectations.

I See You

Putting your needs behind others. Helping families navigate systems of support. Sitting in endless meetings. Putting together plans of support and then tweaking and then tweaking again until it’s just right.  Leading with a smile, every single day, although you feel the weary slipping in.

Exhausted nurse, I see you.

Some days running triage that resembles an ER. Taking care of the physical and emotional well being of so many.

I See You

Smiling through the sickness. Caring and loving our kids. No matter what.

Exhausted custodian, I see you.

Getting to school before everyone and staying after, just to make our building shine. Creating a warm and safe environment that you know becomes home to so many.

I See You

Seeking out that student at lunch that was alone. Checking in and developing relationships with students.

I See You

Never complaining, no matter which call you may receive. Cleaning messes you didn’t create, with a smile.

Exhausted paraprofessional, I see you.

Helping students that need that little extra. Having patience beyond measure.

I See You

Staying positive when times get tough. Trying any strategy at all to find student success.

Exhausted food service staff, I see you.

Keeping our kids nourished. Smiling and greeting students, even when manners aren’t returned.

I See You

Making a difference and building relationships outside of the classroom. Seeking out those students sitting alone and ensuring they have a connection.

Exhausted administrative assistant, I see you.

Answering the phone, the door, the buzzer and walkie talkie in rapid fire mode at times.

I See You

De-escalating the concerned parent, teacher, student, principal. Trying to support everyone.

I See You

Keeping our school going by doing all the behind the scene things that most people don’t realize get done. With a smile. All day, every day.

Exhausted bus driver, I see you.

Getting our kids to school safely, no matter the weather. Managing behaviors while driving. Noticing when things aren’t quite right and letting us know.

I See You

Celebrating our students. Developing one more positive relationship so our kids know that they are supported. Going above and beyond.

Exhausted speech/language pathologist, OT, PT, school psychologist, therapist, I see you.

Trying to support and find your niche. Working to always find ways to help kids be successful. Attending PD that doesn’t always quite apply, and making it work.

I See You

Being flexible and doing whatever it takes for all students to be successful.

We are all one team.

We are all trying our hardest and bringing our best each and every day.

Realness? Struggle? Frustration? Heck yes, but life is too short and our work is too important for blame, shame and negativity.

Our kids matter.
Our staff matter.
You matter.

Take time during MEA Break to be giving to yourself.


Thank you for being a life-changer!

Transition Day - Monday, October 25:
Just a reminder of Monday, October 25 Transition Day.  We will run interventions on this day!  

Teacher Laptops:
Please remember to keep liquids away from your work laptop.  District wide, this has become an issue of spilling liquids and having to replace computers. 

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a restful break - enjoy the people and memories around you!

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