Thursday, November 4, 2021

November 4 Update

Happy Friday! 
Another great week!  Can you believe it's already November?

Perspective & Response:
I saw this on Twitter last night - it made me stop and think.  
Our jobs can get busy, stressful, and often times frustrating.  Especially this time of year.  I hope this quote helps ground you - are we "carrying around a hammer" and "seeing everything as a nail"?  I can honestly tell you, this week, I have.  

Don't forget to ground yourself - what's your why?  What's your purpose in this career?  And, how are you approaching difficult and challenging situations?  And, what is the consequence of that to those you interact with?  

Again, this quote helped ground me.  I hope it provides you some reflection, too!  

Happy File:
Please don't forget about your "Happy File Notebook".  Take all those notes, pictures, and other things you've received and get those in your notebook!  And, don't forget to be adding to other's notebooks.  Spread the positive energy! 

American Education Week - coming your way!
November 15 - 19 is American Education Week. This is a week to honor all educators (which is all of you!) in the building.   This is a great week to honor all of YOU!  Click here to see the AEW Events that are coming your way!

Conferences - next week!
We have conferences scheduled for next Tuesday (3-7pm), Thursday (3-7pm), and Friday (7:40-12:00pm).  This is a great time to connect with families to celebrate strengths & succcesses, as well as identify next steps and growth opportunities.  It is also a great time to continue to build that partnership (remember- we call them family-teacher conferences, as we know that families may not contain a "parent").  Just a few tips as we enter conferences:
  • Listen and build a relationship by showing you care (remember- body language, tone, and your words matter in these interactions!).  
  • Acknowledge and celebrate the assets that their child is bringing to your classroom.  
  • Be honest with where the child is at.  At times, we focus on the positives and say things like, "Oh, they have grown so much!"  They may have grown a lot, but if they are still significantly below grade level, we need to acknowledge this, too.
  • For interpreter conferences, talk to the parent/guardian/family, not the interpreter. 
Please note - you are in the building during the conference hours, even if you are not meeting with families.  

I look forward to seeing (and hearing) you continue to build partnerships with families next week! 

October ORD:
Linked is our office referral data for October.  We were down from previous years.  As we enter into November and December, we may need to create some plans for some of our friends to help support behaviors.  We also will have to do more re-teaching, as we start to see behaviors show.  

For this data, we have taken feedback from you on what you'd like to see.  You will notice two new data sets - by race and receiving services.  Take some time to look at this building wide data - does this match what you see?  

Building Weekly Newsletter:

It's going to be beautiful this weekend - try and get outside and enjoy it!  Recharge yourself this weekend!

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