Friday, January 28, 2022

January 28 Update

Happy Friday!
I hope you had another great week of relationships and learning!  

Staffing Updates:
We have a few new staffing updates - 
  • Molly Hoffman is joining our Special Education Team as a Paraprofessional.  Molly will move from her Educational Assistant role starting next Friday.  She will be doing some transitioning on Monday-Thursday.
  • Danika Brown is joining our 4th and 5th Grade Team as an English Language Teacher, filling in for Jen Schwab.  Danika is finishing up in K3 for Rachel Anderson and will join our 4th and 5th Grade Team on February 14.  
Join me in welcoming both Molly and Danika into their new roles!  

The Montessori Program, currently housed at Washington Elementary, will be moving to McKinley next school year.  The program is a district choice program that uses multi-age and the Montessori approach to learning.   The program contains two classrooms, all of which will be housed at McKinley.  I look forward to having this choice program, our Montessori staff, and students at McKinley next year!  

International Fun Day at Work:
I am excited to announce our International Fun Day at Work 2022!  We have rescheduled this event for Friday, February 25.  Please see the invite for more information!  

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, January 20, 2022

January 20 Update

Happy Last Day of the Week! 
Thank you (again) to everyone for your flexibility this week!  We were very short - each of you helped out with your covering, flexibility, and concern.  

Every Opportunity:
I've shared this in the past; it's a great reminder of the power of our impact on the experiences, opportunities, and "weather" we live in at McKinley.  I understand that times are tough - illness, subbing shortage, cold weather, etc.  I get it.  I'm feeling it, too.   Watching this reminded me that even the little things impact so many things - students' experiences, your mindset and attitude, and the relationships we build with our learners.  

I hope you know, I'm rooting for you.  I know it's tough.  I also know, our kids deserve the best.  This video helped remind me of my impact on that.  

Paraprofessional Appreciation Week:
Next week is Paraprofessional Appreciation Week!  On Monday, our paras will be heading to lunch from 11-12 in recognition of their continued dedication to our students, staff, and school.  Please take some time next week to recognize Bernie, Kara, Stacy, Tarah, and Roxy.  

After School Program - Block II:
We are offering an ASP Block II.  Linked below is a document with a time frame, program dates, and a spot for grade levels to enter your reading and math focus areas.  We discussed this at BLT last night - your rep will have more to share!  

Observation & Evaluation Cycle:
Just a friendly reminder of our observation and evaluation cycle.  I know subbing and other things have caused me to cancel some of these; please re-schedule through Steph.  

If you are not in the observation cycle, please remember to check in on your TDE requirements for the year (teaching staff only).  

International Fun Day at Work:
I completely dropped the ball on planning for this fun day, which was planned for today.  We will move this to February 25.  More information to come!  

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a great weekend- stay warm!

Thursday, January 13, 2022

January 14 Update

Happy Friday!  
Enjoy your snow day!  

Steph shared the below quote with me - I think it really hits home right now.  With sickness, winter, sub shortages,masking, etc... I find myself thinking of the negatives and what is going wrong.  The below quote reminds me (and us) that hope is powerful.  Having hope triggers your mindset to look for the positives.  Don't forget about hope!  

MLK Day:
Just a reminder - we will be at McKinley on Monday for MLK Day.  
Because of social distancing, we will - 
- EA's and Paras will report to the Learning Studio (socially distanced) to watch the keynote/Sup. Elstad.
-Teaching Staff will watch together in a classroom (you decide which Smartboard).  Please still watch together, rather than on your individual laptops.

Also, please reference the emails from Michelle Krell on the specifics of your day. 

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

Have a GREAT weekend!

Friday, January 7, 2022

January 7 Update

BRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!  That's all I can say!  

A huge shout out to everyone who has helped cover this week.  We have been very short staffed, and many of you have stepped up to help out.  Thank you for truly making us a team!  

Check in - Yourself and Colleagues:
Traditionally, January and February have been hard times in this building.  The cold weather, lack of sun, no school breaks, limited subs... all add to a little more stress.  And, now, add COVID.  

During January and February, please don't forget to check in yourself, as well as your colleagues.  I know "self care" is a buzzword in education right now - with mixed reviews on how people receive that word.  It is important that you take some time for you, too.  Please don't forget that you need time to relax and rejuvenate, too.

Also, don't forget to check in your colleagues.  Some people show their emotions, while others do not.  It's important to take some time to just check in - ask how someone is doing, take a lunch together, drop them a note, etc.  Your colleagues are important.

Please let me know how I can help support you.  You are a critical, valued member of our family.  

Please remember - if you are showing symptoms or are a close contact, please wear a mask when you are here.   If you are concerned about your symptoms, talk to Jolene.   Lately, I've heard a lot of "well I don't have a fever, so I don't have COVID".  The new variants are showing up as just sinus congestion in many - a fever is not always a symptom anymore.

Also, please remember that the rapid tests are for YOU (not family, unless they attend McKinley) and if you are showing symptoms.   I know this is not ideal; however, we are VERY low on these tests.  

Mayo Virtual Clinic - NOW OPEN! 
Our Mayo Clinic Express Care Clinic site is now open and active for all employees to utilize! The link to set up your virtual clinic appointment is out on our district website under staff links. 


This virtual visit is only $69 and all employees and their dependents 18 months to 75 years of age are eligible to use this clinic. We have additional information and resources available for staff on our employee resources drive under Business Services->Mayo Virtual Express Care Clinic. 

We hope this new resource will be a great help in providing our employees and their dependents with easy access, and convenient appointment times at an affordable rate. 

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter
Have a great weekend!

October 4 Update

Happy Homecoming! Another great week at McKinley!    Toot Your Horn Thursday: This week's Toot Your Horn Thursday Winner is Brenda Hager...