Friday, September 22, 2023

September 22 Update

Happy Friday to the best team!
Thank you for working hard to make this start to the year great.  The start to the year has felt great - largely due to all the energy, time, and love you are giving to your job.  Thanks for making McKinley great! 

Homecoming Lunch - 
Next Friday, we are hosting a Homecoming Picnic Lunch.  See the attached link for more details.  We will need as many hands on deck for this lunch to be successful.   Please remember - 
  • School dismisses at 12:40pm on this day.  If families take students early, they need to check them out in the office.  
  • From 12:40-2:40pm, you are either supervising at the parade or working here at school.  
MN Pheasant Opener:
The Governor's Pheasant Opener is here in Owatonna on October 13-14.  Our school has been picked to host an event with our 5th graders on Friday, October 13 here at McKinley.  We are excited to host this and what a great opportunity for our 5th graders!  More to come! 

A Snapshot of Learning:
Don't forget, fill social media with the positives!  Below are some snapshots of what was shared this week - lots of learning and relationships in action! 

SEL Supports - Guest Blogger Annette Warner:

Trauma has a significant impact on a child’s developing brain; areas that govern the retention of memory, areas that govern emotional regulation and the development of language skills are a few areas impacted.  This results in a brain that has structurally adapted for survival under the most stressful circumstance but not success in school. Not only do children who have a trauma history benefit from these strategies; ALL students do.  

The work of trauma informed educators isn’t about using a special trauma curriculum, it’s about giving students the support they need to access the regular curriculum.  With a mixture of empathy, flexibility, and brain based strategies we have worked hard to be sensitive to the needs of ALL students. 

Our building has researched and planned to create a program that can meet the needs of ALL students and specifically those who have a trauma history. Through specific trauma training, book studies and research, our building has created this program to support not only children who have a history of trauma but ALL children.  

Safe Base: Relationship is the single best indicator of overcoming trauma and the Safe Base intervention facilitates building these relationships.   If you have students who appear to need someone to connect with during their school day this is an intervention to consider.  Jessica meets with them for 5-10 minutes on a daily basis to build a safe and trusting relationship.

Movement Break - Students who have high energy, have difficulty staying in the classroom, or need some space to move around may benefit from this intervention.  Jessica has several different techniques and routines she intentionally creates on an individual basis taking into account what the student needs.  The time of the intervention should be intentional as well, choose a time of the day when the student has shown a pattern of struggle.  

Relaxation Room: This space is available for students who have a high stress level and need some time to calm their mind and body before being ready for learning.  The room is dimly lit with soft music playing and gives students an opportunity to reflect on their feelings, practice deep breathing and use a variety of different calming tools to prepare them for the learning environment.  

The timing of using this room is key for this intervention - it should be in place prior to a time the student has difficulty.  For example, if the student has shown a pattern of struggle as soon as it is math time, this intervention should be put in place prior to math as its purpose is for students to access their prefrontal cortex and be prepared for learning and working.

Small Groups: Students who need support in social skills can be referred to this intervention and will meet on a weekly basis to learn, practice and build on any lagging social skills they have.  These groups meet once per week for 6-8 weeks: 

  • Mindful Art: meet once per week for 8 weeks.  The focus is to learn how to use art mindfully and intentionally to reduce stress/anxiety and prepare the brain to learn.

  • Mindful Music: Students will learn self-regulation and reduce stress/anxiety through intentional activities using music as the modality.  Jason Miller-Dunbar  has agreed to help support this group with his musical background and expertise.  

  • Changing Families:  This group starts mid to end of October and goes through winter break.  Students of families who have separated or divorced learn what is within their control vs what is outside their control, the situation is not their fault - they didn’t cause it, and navigating different expectations at each of their parents' houses.

  • Social Skills: students learn and practice social skills (identified by the teacher)  in a small group setting. 

If you have students whom you feel would benefit from any of these interventions, please complete the: SEL Referral Form.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.


If you have looked ahead, Halloween is on a Tuesday this year. This could/could not make for a long week :)

Just a friendly reminder - we have moved away from doing Halloween activities, including having students dress up on this day. Not only is the dress up a distraction, but it becomes an equity issue with some not celebrating, having the funds to get a costume, etc. We are not doing any dress up.

Also, we have moved away from celebrating Halloween. This includes any jack-o-lanterns, skeletons, death, etc. Many teams have still found fun ways to turn this into a fall event - STEM activities around designing and building with a pumpkin, for example.

If your team is planning anything and want to run it by me, I'd be happy to offer any help.

Special Education Paraprofessional Position:

As you know, Stacy (Champeau) Connor will be leaving us next Friday, September 29 for a career at Federated. Stacy has been a valuable member of our team for many years. As much as I am excited for her, she will also be greatly missed in our building. Join me in wishing Stacy the best!

With Stacy's resignation, we have an opening for a paraprofessional. Please help me in getting the word out ASAP on this critical position.

Staff Power Hour Follow Up:

Thank you for a great Staff Power Hour on Monday. Linked is the slideshow. This is a friendly reminder to check in on your CTA - what are you working on/thinking about and have you checked in on your partner?

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

Have the best weekend ever!

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