Friday, October 6, 2023

October 6 Update

Happy Friday!
Another great week at McKinley!  

MN Pheasants - October 13:
Just a reminder - next Friday, October 13 is the MN Pheasants event at McKinley.  First, a huge thank you to Katie Demmer for all her work on organizing this!  

This day will be pretty busy around McKinley.  The event will be outside (nature center and north/west side of building).  We will have visitors, as well as media, showing up for the event.  On that Friday, please plan to be inside (unless it's recess or the fire truck visiting Kdg).  Also, please be aware of visitors and if they have signed in.  ALL visitors should have an office-issued badge on them.  If they do not, please walk them to the Office.  

Integration & Responsiveness Time:
Just a reminder - we have money allocated to integration, responsiveness, and co-teaching time.  Please complete the form to request this (integration time goes into the shared document).   After the request is approved and you do the time, please fill out a yellow paper voucher (from Steph).  Please give to Steph when you are done - do not send to DO.  

PTO Bingo Night - October 27:
Is anyone interested in helping at this event?  It goes from 6-7:30pm.  The PTO needs help and callers.  Please let me know if you are interested! 

Published Authors! 
I received word that Dr. Meagher and Michelle Simon are famous publishers!  Congratulations to Dr. M and Michelle!  See the note below:  

I just received an email from the Dr. Sophia Jeoung at Ohio State University the a book chapter I wrote with Michelle Simon has been published as chapter the new textbook from Springer: Navigating Elementary Science Teaching and LearningOr Chapter is entitled: Demystifying Magic with STEM!

The case study is of Michelle teaching a STEM unit combining engineering practices and fairytales. The textbook is meant to be used in Elementary Science Teaching Methods courses. The chapter shares Michelle's ideas on how teaching science and engineering can help students understand how "magic" really works". The chapter finishes with discussion questions to encourage readers to reflect on the effectiveness of her teaching and its impacts on student learning.

Michelle and I worked with Dr. Gillian Roehrig form the University of Minnesota STEM Center in creating the chapter.

I appreciate all your support and want you to know the amazing teaching happening in Owatonna Public Schools and in particular Michelle Simon's classroom!

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a great weekend!

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October 4 Update

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