Can you believe it's already December???
We had a PTO Open Gym last night. What a great activity - the kids had a blast. A HUGE thank you to Zach Waletich for organizing the activities and leading them. If you see him today, please share a thank you. He went above and beyond to make this a great night!
Building Observation:
I've had three people in the last month share some feedback with me (separately). All three people have intentionally found me to share the positive energy in the building - the "welcoming feel", the smiles, and the positivity. I heard comments like "Everyone seems so happy" and "I want to come work there".
Each of you play such a critical role in the climate and culture of our building. Kudos to each of you for making McKinley such an amazing place!
Scaffolds & Supports:
I saw this picture on Twitter over the weekend and it's made me think a lot about the way we support students. Bare with me as I share my thoughts....
We create amazing supports for students, every single day. This can be academic supports, social emotional supports, adult supports, etc. We do a great job of getting this into place. Do we do the same when it comes to removing the supports? Do we have a plan to create independence in students or are we velcroing students to a support and never releasing them from this support? I believe our brains are wired to develop the supports and slowly ease students into these. Do we follow a gradual release after the student has showed some independence or mastery, and slowly remove some of the supports? Or, do we leave these in place and create a crutch instead? If you've read this far, please email me to be entered in for a drawing.
Our students are like the above Statute of Liberty - do we leave these supports up or remove them to truly see the beauty of the work?
Visitors to Building Wednesday:
Next Wednesday, December 6, we will have some visitors to the building in the Learning Studio all morning. My elementary principal association, MESPA, will host a regional meeting here. This is just an FYI that you will see visitors in that area.
Building Weekly Newsletter:
Have a great weekend!