Friday, December 22, 2023

December 22 Update

Happy Winter Break!

Read that again.  And, again.
It's ok to rest.  It's ok to do nothing.  You've earned it.
Spend the next 9 days being with those you love and doing the things you love.  
It's ok to focus on you!  

Connection Day - January 2
A huge thank you to our 2nd Grade team for planning the January 2 Connection Day! Click here to access the choiceboard for the day.  

Phy-Ed Long Term Sub:
As you know, Kyle (and Madison) Melcher are having a baby.  While Kyle is out (January 2 - February 9), Kayley Camerer will be filling in.  Kayley was a student teacher at Lincoln and has done some subbing.  We are excited to have her join us!  She will be starting on January 2 and will be working Monday-Thursdays.  

A huge thank you to Tom and Zach for covering on Fridays!  

Building Weekly Newsletter:

If you celebrate Christmas, I hope you have a Merry Christmas!  
Have a GREAT winter break!  You've deserved it! 

Friday, December 15, 2023

December 15 Update

Happy Friday! 
Another great week at McKinley!

A short blog update this week...  

WOO HOO Challenge:
With having 5 days next week, we are doing a Woo Hoo Challenge in classrooms!  I am sharing the slideshow that will be shown in classrooms on Monday.  At this time, we are limiting this to homeroom classrooms.  If this goes well, we may expand schoolwide another time in January/February.  

Connection Day - January 2
A huge thank you to our 2nd Grade team for planning the January 2 Connection Day! Click here to access the choiceboard for the day.  

McKinleyStrong Celebration:
We filled the jar!  Next Thursday, we are heading to Manthey Park.  See linked sheet for schedule and additional information.  More information is coming on extra support/supervision coming with your grade level.  I plan to share with students at Monday Morning Announcements.  

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a great weekend!

Friday, December 8, 2023

December 8 Update

Happy Friday!

MLK Day - Register! 
If you haven't registered, you need to do so today.  Teaching and Learning is finalizing the details of the day and need all registrations complete.  If you didn't - or don't know if you did - please reach out to Laura Millar or Julie Sullivan today.  

Warm Demander & Staff Power Hour:
Just a reminder - we are NOT meeting on Monday for a Staff Power Hour.  Instead, I am asking you to listen to the 22 minute podcast and complete a short reflection about your role and thoughts on the warm demander work.  Please take care of this by Friday, December 15 (all staff).  

Save the Date - International Day of Fun at Work 2024!
This is a very important day in this building - International Day of Fun at Work!  This is our 8th annual  celebration - can you believe that?

Save the date - Friday, January 19, 2024!    More to come on the details of the day!
Between now and then, find a team and decide what your costume/dress will be that day!  Prizes will be awarded for Most Creative and Student's Choice (the one the kids love the most). 

Have a great weekend!

Friday, December 1, 2023

December 1 Update

Can you believe it's already December???

We had a PTO Open Gym last night.   What a great activity - the kids had a blast.   A  HUGE thank you to Zach Waletich for organizing the activities and leading them.  If you see him today, please share a thank you.  He went above and beyond to make this a great night!  

Building Observation:
I've had three people in the last month share some feedback with me (separately).   All three people have intentionally found me to share the positive energy in the building - the "welcoming feel", the smiles, and the positivity.  I heard comments like "Everyone seems so happy" and "I want to come work there".  

Each of you play such a critical role in the climate and culture of our building.  Kudos to each of you for making McKinley such an amazing place!   

Scaffolds & Supports:
I saw this picture on Twitter over the weekend and it's made me think a lot about the way we support students.   Bare with me as I share my thoughts....

We create amazing supports for students, every single day.  This can be academic supports, social emotional supports, adult supports, etc.  We do a great job of getting this into place.  Do we do the same when it comes to removing the supports?  Do we have a plan to create independence in students or are we velcroing students to a support and never releasing them from this support?  I believe our brains are wired to develop the supports and slowly ease students into these.  Do we follow a gradual release after the student has showed some independence or mastery, and slowly remove some of the supports?  Or, do we leave these in place and create a crutch instead?   If you've read this far, please email me to be entered in for a drawing.

Our students are like the above Statute of Liberty -  do we leave these supports up or remove them to truly see the beauty of the work?  

Visitors to Building Wednesday:
Next Wednesday, December 6, we will have some visitors to the building in the Learning Studio all morning.  My elementary principal association, MESPA, will host a regional meeting here.   This is just an FYI that you will see visitors in that area.

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a great weekend!

October 4 Update

Happy Homecoming! Another great week at McKinley!    Toot Your Horn Thursday: This week's Toot Your Horn Thursday Winner is Brenda Hager...