Friday, October 4, 2024

October 4 Update

Happy Homecoming!
Another great week at McKinley! 
Toot Your Horn Thursday:

This week's Toot Your Horn Thursday Winner is Brenda Hager!  Brenda was nominated anonymously -"Brenda has been a great help when working with her fourth-grade friends! She has an amazing connection with each student, and it shows in their learning of their basic math facts. Thank you for everything you do for the students at McKinley!"

When you see Brenda today, thank her for being amazing!
If you'd like to nominate someone, please complete the form here!

October 14 - Indigenous People's Day:
On October 14, we celebrate Indigenous People's Day.  Last year, there was law established around all students receiving 1 hour of instruction around this day.   Our Teaching and Learning team developed some resources in a shared folder - Indigenous People's Day Folder.  Please plan to do some of these activities on Monday, October 14. 

Classroom Phones:
This question came up earlier this week - how do I turn off outside calls on my classroom phone?  Below are directions from Mike Halverson (I would highly recommend this so you aren't responsible for outside calls during the school day):  
Forwarding of classroom phones is controlled by the individual user.
Ring Off – Press this button to send ALL External calls immediately to Voice Mail. Internal calls from any extension within the district will continue to ring your phone.
Ring On – Press this button when you want ALL calls to ring your phone; both internal and external.

Staff DDE Survey:
Julie Sullivan sent an email this week about the DDE survey on your building.  Please take some time to complete by October 16 -

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a great Homecoming weekend! Go Huskies!

Friday, September 27, 2024

September 27 Update

Happy Friday!

Homecoming Next Week:
Just a reminder - homecoming is next week.   A few things:
Dress Up Days:

Families Who have RSVP (it closes today at 3pm). Please remember to be checking on students' plan for Friday.  

Wednesday - Custodian Appreciation Day!
Don't forget, this Wednesday is Custodian Appreciation Day!   Please take some time to recognize Wayne, Nate, & Rich!  

Productive Struggle:
One of the things I'm noticing is that whole idea of "productive struggle".  For whatever reason, some of our students are not entering into anything hard.  They shut down, refuse, or just avoid.   This becomes an issue, when done repeatedly over time, because students never engage in productive struggle.   Please take some time to read the linked article on "4 Ways to Guide Students Toward Productive Struggle"  It's critical we start to think about some of these ideas as we continue to push students toward independence.  

Toot Your Horn Thursday:
This week's Toot Your Horn Thursday is Pat Fails!  Pat actually had two nominations - 
  • Pat is always present in the moment. He is caring, kind and inclusive. He makes sure ALL kids are respected and included as that all kids can belong at McKinley.
  • Mr. Pat has been an amazing addition to McKinley School! He is always helping someone - from holding a kindergartener's hand back from the nurse, mopping up the gym floor after lunch or just smiling at the kids for who they are, Mr. Pat is awesome!
Pat's been a great addition to our team!  If you see Pat today, thank him for being amazing!  

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a great weekend!

Friday, September 20, 2024

September 18 Update

Happy Friday!
Another great week at McKinley!  

Toot Your Horn Thursday!
Jess Hanson was our recipient for this week's Toot Your Horn Thursday!  Annette Warner nominated her, saying "Jessica has used her prep time and taken advantage of a the extra time she has at the beginning of the year to work on implementing research based ideas and strategies in her student support role. Jessica continues to show exceptional dedication as she grows her role to best support students. She has shown great leadership in developing individualized interventions tailored to the specific needs of each student on her caseload. This student-centered approach reflects Jessica's genuine care and concern for the success of her students. Thank you, Jessica - toot, toot!" THANK YOU FOR BEING AMAZING, Jess!

If you have someone to nominate, please complete the short form. Remember - no small "win" goes unnoticed!

Monday, September 23 -
I am out at a conference on Monday. Amanda Andrews will be covering for me. Please be aware of this as you make requests for support - some things may need to be handled in your classroom.

October 14 - Indigenous People's Day:
On October 14, we celebrate Indigenous People's Day.  Last year, there was law established around all students receiving 1 hour of instruction around this day.   Our Teaching and Learning team developed some resources in a shared folder - Indigenous People's Day Folder.  Please plan to do some of these activities on Monday, October 14. 

Reminder - Fall Data & Responding Meetings Next Week
Starting 9/25, our teams will meet to look through fall data to plan for core instruction, as well as tier 2 and 3 supports.  Please see the linked document for more details.  Students will be in the Learning Studio South watching a movie while teacher teams are meeting to plan for instruction.  More to come - reserve the date/time!   

Have a great weekend!


Friday, September 13, 2024

September 13 Update

Happy Friday the 13th, McKinley! 
What a great full week of school!  It's been great to see "the magic" back in action! 

Last reminder - all items in the welcome back to do list are due today.  This list was provided for all staff.   As we talked about at our August 27 staff meeting, professionalism and timelines are a big rock for everyone this year.  Please take the time to double check that list (you don't need to email me - it's assumed you did it).  

Staff Power Hour - Monday:
Just a reminder about this Monday's Staff Power Hour (9/16) -  
  • Teaching staff only.  Our focus for these meetings is debriefing on the READ Act learning work.  
  • Specialists and those not doing READ Act will have another plan.  Please come to meeting first.  
  • Bring your reading notebook and any notes you have taken.  You should be through module 2 - this is critical.  
Looking forward to digging in deeper into literacy!  

Fall Data & Responding Meetings
Starting 9/25, our teams will meet to look through fall data to plan for core instruction, as well as tier 2 and 3 supports.  Please see the linked document for more details.  Students will be in the Learning Studio South watching a movie while teacher teams are meeting to plan for instruction.  More to come - reserve the date/time! 

Toot Your Horn Thursday:
Josh Tolle was our first "Toot Your Horn Thursday" nominee!  Michelle Gadient recommended him by saying "Mr. Tolle noticed one of my student had his shoes untied walking past his classroom. He took the time out of his prep hour to come over and help tie the shoe. It is a small act, but I know my student really appreciated it! Thank you for your kindness!"  Keep up the great work, Mr. Tolle!

Morning Meeting Follow-Up:
Classroom teachers, thank you for joining us for the morning meeting PD this week.   After this, Amy Staloch shared a resource that gives you a daily email with questions, memes, and connection ideas for your morning meeting.  It's really good.  Sign up here to get a daily e-mail -

Homecoming/Early Release Picnic:
On Friday, October 4, we have our Homecoming Picnic and early release (12:40pm) for the homecoming parade at 1:30pm.    The following invite was sent to families to RSVP for the event -   More to come!  

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a great weekend!

Friday, September 6, 2024

September 6 Update

Happy Friday, McKinley!

Thank you for a great start to the year!  At both interviews and the first day of school, the building was filled with smiles and excited people.  Thank you for making the start a great one for our kids!  

Toot Your Horn Thursday:
This year, we are are trying a new way to acknowledge all the amazing things our students and staff do - through a "Toot Your Horn Thursday!"  As you come across times that STUDENTS or STAFF make you proud, smile, or happy for them, fill out the form.  Then, every Thursday, we will honor some of our honorees!  Please consider taking the minute and sharing all the (little or big) amazing things you see! 
Personal Devices at School:
I want to remind you that the Technology Team will not be able to support any personal devices or peripherals they are connected to. This long-standing practice has been in place to ensure we maintain a consistent and secure environment for all classroom technology. I understand that not having a dedicated computer for the Smartboard is a change for classroom teachers and may be challenging at first. However, supporting various personal devices can lead to issues like compatibility problems, security risks, and difficulties in troubleshooting.

We strongly encourage teachers to use their district-issued devices when connecting to Smartboards to ensure compatibility and receive full support from the Technology Team. If there are any issues with district-provided devices, please have teachers submit a technology ticket and we will gladly assist.

September 11 Read Aloud:
Next Wednesday is September 11.  As you know, this was a day when the USA had a tragedy in New York City.  To acknowledge this day, please plan on showing one of the below picture books during breakfast.  Please preview before.   

CEUs - Licensed Staff Reminder:
Please log in to PD Express and check your transcript at the beginning of each school year. Make sure the dates are correct for your renewal period. Check on the transcript to see which Mandatory Requirements you have already fulfilled, and which ones you will need to complete. This year most of our PD will be Read Act focused, so we may need to fulfill some requirements on our own time. See our district website under the HR tab for license renewal requirements, directions, CEU committee members, etc. There are many resources and video links on this webpage for filling those requirements. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to our committee members. Have a great school year!

September Family Newsletter:
Linked is the September Family Newsletter that went out Wednesday:

Building Weekly Newsletter:
The below link contains the day to day events that are occurring next week - check it out! 

I'm looking forward to the best year ever

Monday, August 12, 2024

August Update

Happy August, McKinley!

T-Shirt Order:
We are working with Oak Glenn to get an order form for t-shirts - more to come!  

Literacy Learning Work - 
Starting this year, the READ Act was put into legislature to have all elementary teachers trained in literacy.  As much as I don't love mandates, I am excited and feel this learning is critical in the work we do.  Just as a medical provider stays current with research and practices, it's important we do, too.

This month, you will be picking up your materials for our work with CORE literacy.  There is more coming on this.  In order to streamline our learning, all of Staff Power Hours & PLC work will be aligned to literacy and your learning.  I'm excited to have our focus and time to support it.

This spring, I, along with my colleagues and coaches, did a crash course in CORE to be your facilitators.  I will tell you - I have always been a nerd about literacy.  I went into this training thinking my way is THE way when it comes to literacy instruction.  I was wrong.  I found myself processing, reflecting, and just in overall thought around reading.  I hope, with an open mind, you find yourself in the same spot.

I am sharing a quote that is resonating with me as we enter into this work - "When you know better, do better."   This really hits me when I think of literacy instruction.  We provide reading instruction every single day - from what we know about teaching reading.  However, as we gain information this year, I believe you will start to reflect, question, and change some of your practices.  This is a good thing!  When you are a learner, you do this.  And this is the real work - which will change students' trajectory in life (there is research to support that what a child's life looks like if they struggle with reading).  I would ask you to enter this work with an open mind and continuously tell yourself - "when you know better, you do better."  It's perfectly okay to learn, grow, and change what we are doing!  When we know better, we do better.   

I am excited to dive into this learning work and ultimately impact student learning.  

Staffing Update:
A couple more updates - 
Selena Smith Flemming has resigned from her role as Assistant Secretary.  Selena is going to work in the Ag Industry in a full-time role.  She will be greatly missed in her role!  

Mary Stanchina has resigned her role as an EA.  Mary has been a great support to our Kindergarten and lunchroom and will be greatly missed!  

Student Council - 
Is anyone interested in serving as the Student Council Advisor (or sharing it as co-advisors)?  The role helps lead our students leadership team to creating events and activities for our building.  Please let me know if you are interested!  

McKinleyStrong Matrix:
As you know, we have revamped our work around the common expectations at McKinley School.  Linked is the PDF of our new matrix - the overall matrix, as well as each of the zones.   We are ordering signs for each of the areas, including your classroom.  We will also be adding students pictures in these areas.  

Master Schedule - Update:
Please see the linked master schedule updates - recess times were added.  

Have a great Steele County Free Fair Week! 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

July 14 Update

Happy July, McKinley!
I hope you are all enjoying some relaxation! 

Below is an update - mostly around schedule and staffing.  

Master Schedule:
Linked is the master schedule.  I'm sharing for you to have a general idea of your day.  Please do not start creating your own individual schedule - a lot still needs to be finalized when we return (EL & Special Education co-teaching, in particular).  As a team, please have one member send me your recess time request (please send two options).   

Staffing Updates:
A few staffing updates (sorry if some are a repeat) - 

Jen Schlauderaff (moving from 1st to Kdg)
Melinda Girtz (moving from 3rd/Washington to Kdg)
Jen Bricko (moving from Montessori to 2nd Gr)
Karla Wilke (moving from 3rd Gr to 2nd Gr)
Kate Seifert (moving from 2nd Gr to 3rd Gr)
Jodie DeKam Valentine (moving from 2nd Gr to 3rd Gr)
Karen Thurnau (moving from Owatonna Online to 3rd Gr)
Paige Gilligan (moving from 5th Gr to 4th Gr)
Amy Staloch (moving from 4th Gr to 5th Gr)
Eric Oppegard (moving from 4th Gr to 5th Gr)
Josh Tolle (returning from a leave - was originally going to Wilson 5th Gr.  Wilson cut a section, which worked in our favor!) 
Joan Biegert - Special Education Teacher (3rd-5th Grade)
Jon Weisbrod - Behavioral Interventionist
Pat Fails - K-5 Educational Assistant
Gretchen Bygd - Speech Language Pathologist (full time McK)
Amanda Wood - Speech Language Pathologist (split between McKinley and Washington)
Rachael Eickhoff - EL Teacher
Rachel Peterson - Intervention Teacher
Anna Stocker - Music Teacher (OMS, McKinley, Wilson)
Jayme Ulrich - STRIDE Teacher (transferring from Washington)
Lynn Jensen - STRIDE Teacher (transferring from Washington)

We still have the following open - 
Special Education Teacher (3rd-5th Grade)
Special Education Teacher (LTS for Katie Herbst)

Leadership/Schedule C Assignments:
Lead Teacher - Amanda Andrews
Patrol - Kyle Melcher
Student Council - anyone interested?  You can split with someone else.  This is a great leadership role to help coordinate our student leadership team!  

Theme for 24-25:

We are continuing our theme - "Be you, Be Here, Belong."  This theme aligns well with our building work around honoring strengths, inclusivity, and belonging.   More to come!  

Summer School, Room Set Up, & Office Opening:
Just a friendly reminder - our building is being used by summer programming (their last day is August 1).  After August 1, Wayne and his team will do another clean of the building to get ready for 24-25.  Please make sure you are connecting with Wayne before you set up your room in August. 

Steph and I will be returning on Monday, August 5 (please note - due to meetings and other schedules, we are not there full-time).  If you need something at that time, please let us know.  

I hope you continue to have a great summer - it's going by way too fast!

Friday, May 31, 2024

May 31 Update

Happy Friday! 
This is the last blog post for the school year!  Please watch your email throughout the summer for updates.  

Just a reminder - we should not be packing up or moving anything until the last day of school.  We want to keep life as routine as possible for learners until the last day.

Last Day - EOY Stations:
Just a reminder - the last day is our end of the year stations (9-10:15am).   Linked is the documentLinked is the document with stations (please sign up if you haven't already).    Please plan to join the Google Meet at 9am for expectations and directions

Staffing Updates:
We have hired a Behavioral Interventionist (BI) for next year - Jon Weisbrod.  Jon is coming from the private sector and is excited to serve kids!  He will begin with us in August.

We currently have two openings - a Special Education Teacher and a 5th Grade Teacher (the candidate hired got a job in her hometown).   If you know of anyone, please let me know.  

Summer - Relax, Rest, and Rejuvenate:
It's crazy to think we are already completing another year.  I remember when I started teaching, a colleague told me that the school years go by faster and faster as you get older.   As much as I hate to admit I'm getting older, it's true.  We've had a great school year - largely due to each of you.

I can't imagine a greater team to serve with.  Each of you have gifts that you bring to work every single day.  You give, give, and give... often at the cost of yourself.   This summer is the summer of YOU!  Make sure you do things you enjoy, be around those you love, and just focus on you.  Imagine a morning announcement every morning from me - reminding YOU to focus on YOU!  

I'm excited for September and for another amazing year.  Until then, enjoy YOUR time.

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a great weekend!

Friday, May 24, 2024

May 24 Update

Happy Friday, McKinley!  And, happy Memorial Day weekend! 

Not a lot to report -  stay positive and focused on kids these last two weeks!  

A few overall reminders:
  • MakerSpace closes today.  
  • K-2 Field Day was moved to Tuesday.
  • Last day of interventions is Friday, May 31.  
Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a great (long) weekend!  

Friday, May 17, 2024

May 17 Update

Happy Friday!
A few general reminders - 
  • Library books due next Thursday, May 23 
  • Last day of interventions is Friday, May 31.  
  • Grading window closes June 2. 
We filled the jar!  WOO HOO! 
More to come on the plan for this day.  Please reserve Thursday, May 23 for the event (schedule below).  I worked my hardest around field trips, scheduling, and prep times.  I know it is not ideal, but this is the closest I can get.  



1st & 5th Grade


Kindergarten & 3rd Grade


2nd & 4th Grade

E1 & E2

Student Showcase - May 30:
Our annual Student Showcase is Thursday, May 30 from 1:30-2:00pm.  Below is what was shared on social media, as well as in SeeSaw (the family message was translated).   Please share this again with families next Friday.  Families WILL need an ID/driver's license to enter the building and doors will NOT open until 1:30pm.

The goal of the SS is to acknowledge and celebrate the strengths of each student from this past year.  This replaced our traditionally awards ceremony in which many were not honored.  This event helps us celebrate everyone's growth and successes. 

Please make sure students are working on some type of product to share that open house.  Please remember - this is about the student success and their voice.  Please consider allowing creativity and choice in how each student will share their "story" from the year.  

More to come next week!  

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a great weekend!

Friday, May 10, 2024

May 10 Update

Happy Friday!

Happy Educator Appreciation Week:
Team, I hope you know how much you are appreciated and valued - even beyond this week.  Each of you bring so many gifts, talents, and love to our school every day.  Thank you for your role in making McKinley amazing!  

Happy Mother's Day:
A huge "Happy Mother's Day" to all those mom's who are celebrating.   

How to Stay Charged During the Last Few Weeks of School:
Click here to read a quick article - helping remind us how to stay on our A game these last few weeks.

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

Have a GREAT weekend!

Friday, May 3, 2024

May 3 Update

Happy Friday!  Can you believe it's already May?

Educator Appreciation Week:
Next week is Educator Appreciation Week - a week to honor EACH of you!  Don't forget about all the special events next week, including breakfast on Monday morning!    One addition - on Tuesday, our PTO is buying pizzas for lunch.  Please note - we are planning on 1-2 slices per person, so please be respectful of that (if you need more, please pack a snack).   

Class Placement Process:
Just a reminder of our class placement process, which is fully underway!  If you are a classroom teacher, please see my email (from Kenneth) with directions on how to enter your information into the shared spreadsheet.  

Also, just to clarify, we do not take teacher requests at McKinley (I'm seeing more this year).  We take environmental requests, which means a family can request the type of environment they are requesting.  We do not request individual teachers.  Additionally, please remember, there are no "under the table deals".  All requests should go through the office and not be handled at a classroom level.  

Positive Office Referrals:
As we close out the year, please remember that Positive Office Referrals are for any time that a student goes above and beyond or impresses you.  We have a lot of learners in the building who are regularly doing this and are not recognized.  Just a friendly reminder - if you come across a student who put in extra effort, is always engaged/ready/learning, or just a time you are impressed - that would be a great candidate for a positive referral.

STRIDE Programming:
Next year, we have our setting 

Kyle DeKam Leadership Award:
Each year, our Owatonna Middle School has a "Kyle DeKam Leadership Award" in honor of late principal Kyle DeKam.  For those of you who don't know Kyle, he was a 6th grade teacher, as well as the Wilson and Owatonna Junior High School Principal.  Kyle was a highly regarded leader for our District, as well as the community.  Below is some background on the journey, as told by Jodie DeKam Valentine:  

I have attended two sessions of the "Aspiring Leaders" cohort hosted by Justin Kiel as of today.   As always with Justin, we are left with a call to action - a challenge to take with us.   I spent some time reflecting on my leadership roles in the district over my 32 year career.    
I began my career at McKinley in 1991.  I taught first grade and was mentored by some incredible educators.   They led by example.  They greeted colleagues, shared ideas, collaborated, and allowed me to share my celebrations and frustrations with them.   I continued my career at Washington from 2002- 2013.   Again, I was with co-workers who I could plan with, share with, laugh with...and follow by example.   We didn't just talk about our students, - we talked about life, balancing work and family, self care outside of school, and how we could support one another.  I was on committees, trained in specialty skills, wrote curriculum, and all the other various leadership duties we do as teachers.   I was also fortunate to have spent all of these early years married to a man who was definitely a leader by example, - Kyle DeKam.   He held himself to high standards as first a teacher and then a principal.  He worked hard to create and facilitate environments where even though he knew everyone might not agree with his style or decisions, he remained fair and did his best to encourage everyone to be the best they could be.   There was so much more in him he would have done if he could have had the chance.   He made me a better person in so many ways, including in the way I viewed education and carried myself professionally.   We chose together to try and set a healthy example of work / life balance for our three boys to live by.

Life changed in so many ways after he passed away in 2012.   Not only for the boys and I as a new family structure, but for me professionally.   Now my role included balancing life, family, and the grief of three children, plus myself.   I had to prioritize.  I could not always be on the committees or do the extra work. I continued to have people who lifted me up, guided me, and picked me up when I needed it most.  I didn't settle for being less than my best for my children or students.   
I am not the same person I was before loss.   It isn't possible to remain who you were and continue forward because nothing around you is the same.   What didn't change for me was my vision of how to lead.   If my children were going to have one parent going forward, then I had better be the best one I could be.   I needed a lot of support and reminders to stay the course, but what got me through the toughest days was realizing that sometimes picking someone else up can make your day better, and in turn, over time, make YOU better.

So I reflected on this today after the session ended.   How have I been a leader?   What have I done in my career to consider myself deserving of such a title?
I didn't do anything extravagant, and I do not have a fancy important career title.   I did not go into a field that was going to make me financially wealthy.   I did not go into a job that earns many outward accolades.   I did not have a step by step plan that got me where I am today.
But I did lead.   I lead myself through some dark days without bringing others down with me.   I did my best every single day to lead my boys through their childhood and tried to make it the best possible life they could have after the adversity they were dealt.   I volunteered when I felt down, to try and pick others up, and ended up lifting my own spirits.  I led myself into uncomfortable situations when it was the last thing I thought I could do, and ended up holding my head high and feeling proud.
So, think about the little things you do each day.   The ways you lift others.  The way you do what you know is right even though no one is watching.   The times you give up something so someone else's day is better.   When I considered all of this, I knew where my leadership role had been all along.   I continued to carry myself like the person I  knew I could be, and do what I knew was right, no matter what each day dealt me.   Each time I succeeded, I reminded myself that maybe my journey would help guide others who needed the same strength I did.

Our family is so incredibly proud of the establishment of the Kyle DeKam Leadership Award.   We are year 10, and each year, kids nominate each other for simply the way someone makes them better.   It feels so good to give back in this way, and to allow OMS  students to recognize their peers for the leadership they show each day, - by example.

Here is the message we created as a family:

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a GREAT weekend!

Friday, April 26, 2024

April 26 Update

Happy Friday, McKinley!
A short blog entry today.... please take some time to read it carefully.  

Just a reminder of a few deadlines/reminders- 

School Lunch Hero Week:
Next week is School Lunch Hero Week!  Please take some time next week to stop in and thank Jill and her team for all the hard work they do to support our students!  
Have a GREAT weekend!

Friday, April 19, 2024

April 19 Update

Happy Friday! 
Another great week of learning and relationships!  

  • Purchasing deadline is April 30 - this is for any purchases, including classroom supply budgets.
  • Summer Maintenance Requests are due April 26 - please complete the linked form
  • Staff Power Hour (April 15) - learning work is due today. 

Keep Moving Forward:
I saw the below quote this week and was reminded of the power of just moving forward.  This is often a time of year we are stressed - lots going on, we are excited for summer break, etc.  I often find people saying "I don't feel like I can keep my head above water" or "I'm feeling like I'm not enough".  I'm feeling this lately, too.  This quote is a great reminder for us that sometimes it's enough to just show up for kids.  We might not tackle our ever-growing "to do list" or solve the world's problems in a given day - and that's enough!  Give yourself some grace - you are showing up every day and moving forward.  And, that's enough!  

Educator Appreciation Week:
May 6-10 is Educator Appreciation Week!  As many of you know, my belief is that anyone who works in a school with a student serves in that role as an "educator".  This is a week to celebrate each of you!  Below is our plan to celebrate YOU! 
On Thursday, May 9, a room service cart will come around to your classroom/work area.  Please complete the linked form to place your order.  

Track Meet Schedule:

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a great weekend!

Friday, April 12, 2024

April 12 Update

Happy April 12th!  
Another great week of learning and relationships!  

A great reminder for us to try new ways to keep our learners engaged, particularly as the "summer fever" kicks in.  Sharing one of those easy ways to change engagement....

Purchasing Deadline - 
Just a reminder - the purchasing deadline is April 30.  This includes your supply budget, as well as any other forms of purchasing.  Please be aware of this - we cannot accept any purchases after that day.

Student Showcase - Save the Date!
In place of an awards ceremony, we will be doing a Student Showcase to honor the strengths and growth of each and every one of our scholars.  Save the date - Thursday, May 30 from 1:30-2:00pm.  More to come on specific directions.  

Friday Grill Out's in May:
Back by popular demand, I will be grilling for those interested on Fridays in May.  Linked is a sign up sheet.  You bring the meat and I will grill it for you!  

Ending the Year Countdowns:
As we begin to end the year, please refrain from any "X days left of school" activities, signs, etc.  As much as I'm also excited about summer, some of our learners are not.  The "x days left of school" is a reminder that their supports are going to be gone, as well as sends a negative message about getting through days vs learning and relationships.   If you want to do something with your class (a letter a day or something), come and connect with me.

Smartboard Transition:
As you know, our desktop computers (attached to the Smartboards) will be gone next school year.   I know this decision has mixed reviews - ultimately, this was the way we got more 1:1 devices for students.  Our Building Leadership Team piloted the "no desktop on your Smartboard" starting in January.  I am sending this to highly recommend making the transition before the end of the school year.  The desktops will be gone next year - regardless if you hold out or not.  These next two months would be a great time to start this process and experiment with this new process.  The support is here this spring - I strongly consider removing your desktop this April or May.  If you are interested, please let Noureddine know.  

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a great weekend - it's going to be beautiful outside!  

Friday, April 5, 2024

April 5 Update

Happy Friday!

Eid 2024:
Happy Eid to our friends who will be celebrating next week!  There is a little uncertainty on the exact day, but Eid will be celebrated between Tuesday and Thursday.  Please be mindful of this as you are planning activities and expectations - some of our scholars will be celebrating with their family.   

Update on Sections:
As you know, this year has looked differently with sections and staffing due to the boundary changes.  After today (Friday), we will have a solid idea of what our 4th to 5th graders are doing (they had to indicate this by today).   Next week, our admin team is meeting to finalize the sections.  After that, I will be able to share numbers with you.   Please know -we are working as quickly as we can.  More to come!  

Scholar Placement Process:
Can you believe we are already at this point - time to be making class lists!  Linked is our process for the scholar placement.  More information to come! 

Summer Maintenance Requests:
Believe it or not, it's time to start gathering requests for summer maintenance work.  This work includes any fixing, paint touch up's, or other general maintenance requests for your classroom/work area.  Please remember - this does not include requesting personalized things for your space (example - wanting your classroom a specific color of paint).  

If you have any requests, please complete the form by Friday, April 26.  I know this sounds early, but Wayne needs to start prioritizing and communicating on the requests.  

Closing Activity Ideas:
Deep learning requires a reflection and processing time - time to let the new learning and ideas connect to a student's mental framework.  And, in a fast-paced classroom, we often forget about this. Linked is a great article on 27 ways to end a learning activity - take a few minutes to read through.

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have an AMAZING weekend! 
- Justin

Thursday, March 21, 2024

March 22 Update

Happy Spring Break!
I hope each of you are able to get away from work and be with the people or things you love.  Each of you gives so much to our students, families, and McKinley in general.  This is a great time to totally checkout and just be in the moment.  Enjoy your time, rest up, and get ready to come back and finish the year strong!  

Just a reminder - if you are taking a part of a day (or even a half day) and end up having lunch, specialists, or recess in there, please connect with Justin or Steph before requesting a sub.  We've noticed an increase in half day absences in which a sub comes in for only 45 minutes of teaching.  We would rather fill that internally.   Bottom line - if it's not a solid half day of instruction, feel free to reach out to us and we can help you.  

READ Act Dates 24-25:
As you know, we have some reading professional development for next school year through the READ Act.  I am excited to see us learn and grow as teachers of reading.

Julie Sullivan has worked hard to create a solid professional learning plan for us which includes some days at workshop, MLK Day, etc.  In addition to these already set days, the school board has approved three additional days for our professional learning.  These dates are October 21, February 17, and April 21.  The reason I give you these now is to be mindful of these days when you are taking time off.  

Boundary Changes:
The school board approved K-5 boundary changes starting next school year.  As many of you know, we have an imbalance in the number of students at each of our four elementary schools - some are using every possible space while others have open rooms.  The boundary changes will help with a more balanced student population and use of space.  It's very typical for districts to re-evaluate boundaries every 5-6 years.  

One of our biggest changes in boundary is Colonial Manor, which is out behind Lowes.  Starting next year, that area will move to Wilson.  McKinley's boundary has moved west, taking in students who are currently living west of Cedar (Skyline Gardens, 22nd Street NW, etc).   These areas going to new schools will also help with transportation.  

Families will be notified next week of the change.  Families of 4th graders going into 5th grade can request to keep their child at their current school; however, siblings would go to their new assigned school.  Families have until April 5 to make this request.  After this time, we will have a more solid understanding of our student population and sections.  I apologize that staffing and this has been delayed this year.  The boundary changes impact this greatly.

On May 1 (4:30-5:30pm), we will host an open house for students who are new to McKinley.  If you are able to attend, I would greatly appreciate having some staff in the building.  This is a time for new students to see their new school.

I wanted to provide you with a quick overview of where we are at.  If you get questions from families, here is the website with a lot of information, as well as an address locator for new boundaries.   

Because this is a sensitive topic, please do not talk to classes about this.  After break, we will provide you with a list of those moving so you can keep an eye out.  However, we should not enter into conversations as we still have 2 months left of school.  If families reach out to you, you can direct them my way.  

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

Have a GREAT Spring Break!

Friday, March 15, 2024

March 15 Update

Happy Friday!
Another great week of learning and relationships! 

Carry The Banner - 
Don't forget to carry that banner for McKinley - what stories are you sharing about McKinley?
Such great experiences for our kids....

April 1 - Return From Break:
As a reminder, April 1 is our last Connection Day of the year.  Please see the linked document for our 4/1 Connection Day.  A huge thank you to our Student Council, Val Seath, and Paige Gilligan for planning this!

On this day, we will also be celebrating the fact we filled the jar.  Linked is our plan for the celebration - PLEASE DO NOT SHARE with anyone (students will find out at Monday Morning Announcements).

MN Twins Home Opener - April 4

Update on Staffing & Planning for 24-25:
I've had a few ask about sections, staffing, etc for next school year.  This Monday, March 18, the School Board will vote to put the boundary changes into place for the 24-25 school year.   With these changes, there could be changes to the number of kids at each grade per building.  From there, we will know section numbers.  Because there is a lot of data entry that goes into enrollments and boundary changes, we are planning to finalize things right after spring break.  At that time, you should know more about planning for next school year.

5 Ways to Stop Thinking for Your Kids - 
A great article to remind us to have the thinking on the students - take the 2 minutes to read.  

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a great weekend!

Friday, March 8, 2024

March 8 Update

Happy Friday!
Lots of FYI today... please read all. 

One of my favorite quotes... and something that I regularly have to ground myself in (especially when times feel tough).  We can get caught up in the day to day "issues" and forget about the bigger picture.  I find myself in this cycle - timelines, behaviors, emails, etc.  All of those things keep me "treading water".  When I get overwhelmed, I need to remind myself of my purpose and all the good things I experience every day - all those things that remind me why I "love to swim".

Take some time today to change your thinking from the "treading of water" to all the reasons you "love to swim". 

New Staff Member - Technology Specialist:
I'm excited to inform you that Noureddine Elghayad has officially accepted the Technology Specialist position at McKinley & Washington. Bringing with him valuable experience in classroom technology from an American school in Morocco, Noureddine will begin his training with our technology team starting Monday, March 11th and we anticipate him being comfortable on his own at McKinley & Washington by the middle of April.

Setting 3 - STRIDE:
Starting next year, we are excited to host a Setting 3 STRIDE program (2 classrooms) here at McKinley!  Currently, Washington has 5 classrooms supporting STRIDE.  Due to space issues, we are moving two of the classrooms to join us!  

STRIDE is our setting 3 (in the classroom over 60% of the day) that supports students with cognitive delay.  The program will be housed in the Learning Center and current Makerspace room - some construction will occur over the summer to close these spaces in more.  More information will come on the program, logistics, and programming.  

Please join me in welcoming this program!  

Curriculum Requests:
Attached you will find the form to complete if you have summer curriculum writing requests for the '24-'25 school year. The deadline to complete this is March 22. You will be notified by April 19 if your request is able to be fulfilled. 

Guidelines for Curriculum Requests:
1. Priority will first be given to curriculum areas, teams, or grade levels where curriculum writing is deemed necessary due to new state standards and/or new courses.
2.  Consideration will then be given for courses needing revision, updating, or further alignment.
3. If curriculum monies still remain, individual teachers or teams of teachers may be approved for requested curriculum work.
4. Requests must be submitted by Friday, March 22 and teachers will be notified by April 19 if their request(s) have been approved or denied.
5. Generally, time allotted for curriculum writing teams will follow the guidelines below:
*New Courses = 6-12 hours
*Existing Courses = 3-6 hours
6.  All summer curriculum writing work will be done at Rose Street or the Learning Zone depending on availability.

BBBS Shirts:
From Beth Fink, Special Education Teacher at OHS - 
We will be selling shirts (see link)  from March 11-27, with shirts being done at the beginning of April just in time for the start of testing.  Shirts will be $17 with $5 going to BBBS.  Shirt sales are open to anyone in the community.  We were wondering if this information could be put in your newsletter to families and shared with teachers at your school/building.  We appreciate your help in raising money for a great organization.  If you have any questions please feel free to reach out.  

Pear Deck:
Starting next school year, we will not have a PearDeck subscription.  If you use this regularly, you will want to use your supply budget to pay for it.  Again, starting next school year.
Have a great weekend!-

October 4 Update

Happy Homecoming! Another great week at McKinley!    Toot Your Horn Thursday: This week's Toot Your Horn Thursday Winner is Brenda Hager...