Friday, November 8, 2024

November 8 Update

Happy Friday!
And, Happy Veteran's Day (Monday) to our Veteran's in the building!  

Toot Your Horn Thursday (this week):
We had two recipients this week - Joan Biegert and Bernie Jensen. 
Joan was nominated for "I am so impressed with Joan's energy and flexibility and her positive 'no matter what' attitude. Joan has jumped right in with our team this year and is helping to generate ideas, communicate with families, and bring the fun! She is helping students and staff smile and feel appreciated every day. Thank you Joan!"

Bernie was nominated for "Bernie is in my room several times during the day and has been for the past few years. We are lucky to have each other as coworkers and friends. She is a great advocate for our students and staff. The kids say we "jinx" all the time-a sign of working together for so long we are thinking the same things! Bernie is helping students but she is also participating in the instructional times of our day to make sure students are engaged and focused and understanding. Thank you Bernie!

Toot Your Horn Thursday (from last week):
We had two recipients last week that I didn't add to the blog - sorry!
Denise Carlson was nominated for I always ask for book suggestions, and Denise delivers them to my desk without hesitation! She picks entertaining stories that my students love. Thank you for sharing your love of reading with McKinley and making the library an enjoyable space for all!

Jaimie Nin was nominated for Jaimie is a fireball of positive energy! She comes to work and always has a positive attitude. She is always willing to help in any situation. She is creative when designing activities for students who are in the Stride Program. Last week, she put together a book walk for both classrooms, with help from Ella Potter, about the book If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. The stations were set up outside and each station had parts from this book to read and then complete activities. The students LOVED this interactive book walk. This is just one example of how Jaimie goes above and beyond each and every day.

As you see positives in the building, don't forget to take the 30 seconds and fill out a Toot Your Horn Thursday nomination!

Productive Struggle:
As educators, we went into this role to help people. Our jobs literally revolved around supporting young people, all day. And, as much as we provide that care, support, and love, we can work against our good intentions by creating too much dependence and scaffolds for our students. A term used in education, "productive struggle", illustrates how important it is that we provide the space and support for students to go through productive struggle. Please note the word "productive" in this statement. We would never want to not help a student thinking we are providing this productive struggle. Productive struggle is that "sweet spot" between scaffolding and providing support.

Educators have a balancing act every single day. As we move into November, I want you to start thinking about productive struggle as we work with our amazing students. Are your well-intended actions creating dependent or independent learners?

Gift of Time:
Next week, our teaching staff stays late two nights for Family-Teacher Conferences. As a (small) way to create some time this week, our teaching staff has the gift of time on Tuesday. Please see the linked document for that gift of time.

E-Learning/Inclement Weather Plan:
As we enter into the season of winter, linked is a one pager with a brief description of what is expected in the event the district moves to an e-learning day or District Closed. Please take some time to look at this so you are prepared in the event a day occurs.

American Education Week:
American Education Week is November 18 -22. At McKinley, each of you play a role in educating students. Therefore, whether you are a classroom teacher, paraprofessional, cook, etc., you are also an educator. This week is about acknowledging each of you and the role you play.

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a great weekend!

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