Friday, May 6, 2016

Principal's Update- Friday, May 6, 2016

What a beautiful day we have in store for us!  According to Ch 4 News, it's a "top 10 weather day!".  We have a second group of Rochester teachers in the building today visiting STEM.  Thank you for your willingness to let them into your classrooms yesterday.  During the first group's visit yesterday, they had nothing but positive things to say about your teaching and our building. 

Thank YOU!
This week is Teacher Appreciation & Food/Nutrition Services Week.  A HUGE THANK YOU to our kitchen staff.  I served lunch (for some of the lunches) yesterday.  I am not sure how Lori, Stacy, or Laurel do it.  Not only is it physically exhausting, but the kids move through so quickly.  I'm not sure how they do it- thank you for all you do!

Teachers - I can truly say we have the best teaching staff in this building.  I have never met a group of teachers who are so dedicated, focused, and compassionate about students and learning.  I love your willingness to do anything to help make students successful and safe.  Thank you for that!

All Staff - Even though it's "Teacher Appreciation Week", you are all educators.  Your focus on what is right, your humility, and the level of relationships you build helps make this the best place to be! 

DIBELS Benchmarking is Upon Us!
Some of our EA's will be completing the DIBELS benchmark assessments, May 11-20th.  Please keep in mind when your grade is scheduled, so that they are aware of why they are being pulled out and remind them about being efficient with their transitions.  During other gaps or time or make-ups, EAs will come and pull students that they did not get to during their initially scheduled times.  We appreciate your flexibility with this. 

Also, our hallways need to be as quiet as possible so that EAs can hear what the students are reading (and so students are not distracted by a passing class or group of students). 

Thank you for your help in providing the best environment that we can for gathering this benchmark data!  Data will be copied for you as grade levels are completed.  Please see Libby with questions or concerns.  Click here to access the benchmarking schedule

Track Meet- Tuesday
Our McKinley Track Meet is Tuesday, May 10th.  A huge thank you to Tom, Peggy, and Kyle for their hard work in preparing this - it's a great day for our students.  If you haven't already, please sign up for a work station in the lounge. 

Please be flexible with this day - everyone's schedule is changed.   Also, please discuss behavior with students.  Even though we are at OHS and they are not directly with an adult, we follow the same expectations.  Please be clear with students- any discipline will be handled by me and will more than likely result in a loss of a field trip.  Click here for the track meet schedule

Summer Learning Calendars
We will be participating in a summer learning program for June- August.  The program will run like last year - students will get a calendar to record their learning minutes.  Also, our library will be open Wednesdays to check-out books and work in the garden.  More details will be coming on this! 

Building Weekly Newsletter
Click here to access the weekly building newsletter

Valet Parking for the Week
The Valet Parking for the Week goes to Courtney Hugs!  Courtney brings a level of passion, positivity, and excitement to our building.  The thing I appreciate the most about Courtney is her POSITIVE focus on what is right for students!  Courtney has been a wonderful addition to our Kindergarten team - I look forward to seeing her continue to influence our youngest learners.  Thank you for all you do, Courtney! 

Take some time this weekend to get outside, focus on you, and enjoy those around you!  We've got only a couple weeks left- let's finish strong!


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