Friday, May 27, 2016

Principal's Update- Friday, May 27, 2016

Happy Friday, everyone!  And, happy Memorial Day weekend!

Our EL Family Potluck was a huge success!  We had over 100 people join us for this event.  A  HUGE thank you to Laurie, Sylvia, Caryn, Nura, & Nicole for their hard work planning this.  It's a great night filled with friends and good food (from around the world!). 

1st Grade took their learning to Dartt's Park today to do 5 stations, all focused on soil and rocks.  The kids had a great day of learning in the real world!

Popcorn with the Principal Winners for 5/26/16

Laptops in Classrooms
Please turn your classroom laptops into Clayton by June 8, 2016.  Clayton WILL NOT be coming to your room to find the computers- they need to be in his office.  Also, please mark them as your room number.

7 Days of Summer Eve
We are gearing up with 7 days left until summer break.  Click here to access each of our theme days - join in with us and have some fun! 

End of Year Video
As I sent out, Amanda is making a fun end of year video to show students what we really do when school is out.  Please connect with your "team" and determine what you will do for your video segment.  Then, connect with Amanda and set up a time to video this before June 1st!

Update on Office Construction
Just an update - there will be no office construction this summer.  Due to bidding, the office project will hold off until next summer when we add a gym, art, and music room onto the building.  So, one more year of a tight office!  :) 

End of Year Checkout
An email will be coming next week regarding an end of the year checkout.  Please make sure you complete this and prepare your room/space to be cleaned this summer.

A Letter From a Parent
Below is a link to a parent letter to her child's teacher.  This letter is something online; however, it could be addressed to each and every one of you.  You all play a critical role in our students' lives - each and every one of you.  Take some time to enjoy this:

Building Weekly Newsletter
Click here to access the weekly newsletter

Have a great, long weekend!

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