Thursday, May 19, 2016

Principal's Update- Friday, May 20, 2016

Happy Friday!
I am out tomorrow all day (Friday, 5/20) - Justin Lang is available for anything you need. 

Can you believe we are nearing the end of the 15-16 school year?  Only a few more weeks and summer vacation starts.  Let's finish strong!

McKinley 60th/STEM Gallery/Ice Cream Social Night
We had a great night celebrating 60 years of McKinley.  A huge thank you to all who helped make this night a success - a lot of work went into this!  It was an awesome night of celebrating McKinley! 

Scheduling Changes/Field Trips
Teachers, if you have a scheduling change, special event, or field  trip, please update the shared document I sent out.  This is a requirement.   

DIBELS Spring Benchmarking
A huge thank you to the EA's for their flexibility and hard work in completing the DIBELS spring assessments.  This data has been put into your mailbox; there has been great growth in this area since winter!  Please remember to update the spreadsheet in 365 by Wednesday, May 25th.  Your math facts, DAZE and Words their Way assessment data also needs to be entered into the spreadsheets in the CBM folder under assessments.  First grade, please remember also to complete and record your nonsense word fluency.  See Libby with questions. 

Discovery Lab
Discovery Lab closes next Friday, May 27th (other than for MacLeod's music classes).  As you know, the Discovery Lab will be transitioning to a different instructional space for the 16-17 year.  If you have personal materials in this space, please remove them before May 27.  I will spend some time boxing the science/building resources and supplies to store for next year. 

Class Placements- Tuesday
Classroom teachers will meet on Tuesday, May 24th to create class lists for next year.  Teachers, please have your cards completed by this time.  Staff, if you know of students who should not be placed together, please let the child's classroom teacher know prior to this day.

5th Grade Graduation
The 5th Grade Graduation is Friday, June 3rd from 1:45-2:15pm.  Due to limited seating, we are doing some work now to see if it can be streamed into classrooms.  More information will come on this!

Stages- Goals
I am doing a mini-session for support staff on Tuesday, May 24th from 7:30-7:45am.  This will include entering goals only.  If you want to attend, this is open to any staff who work on goals.   As we get closer to the end of the year, I will individually email you with items that need to be addressed in Stages. 

Building Weekly Newsletter
Click here to access the weekly building newsletter

Valet Parking for the Week
The Valet Parking for the Week goes to Literacy Coach Libby Zeman.   Libby has been a great addition to the instructional support in this building (and Wilson).  Libby has an extensive background in reading and knows how to support/coach people.   The thing that impresses me the most about Libby is her desire to continually grow- individually, but also as a McKinley team.  I am so grateful for Libby and all the work she does to support reading in our building.  Thank you, Libby!

It's going to be a nice weekend- get outside and enjoy it!

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