Sunday, September 3, 2017

Weekly Update - September 3, 2017

Welcome Back, Staff!
Only a few more days until we start back at it... I can't wait!

Building Update:
A lot of progress was made today getting furniture delivered to learning commons and classrooms.  Below are some pictures.   Please do not swap out any furniture at this point.  Innovative (our supplier) is doing piece counts today and tomorrow.

As you can see, the building is looking great!  A huge thank you to Bob Olson, Superintendent Elstad, Mark Randall, and OEA President Todd Andrix for their help getting furniture delivered and placed.  It was an extensive project!

Also, a huge thank you to our design team who helped pick this furniture.  It is so amazing to see our planning work now turn into a real thing - a school!

I am very excited to meet families at Home-Child-School Day on Tuesday!  I think they will love the learning environments we have created at the new McKinley!

School Theme for 17-18:
As we are starting this crazingly (made this word up) exciting time, please remember our school theme for the year- "Make Every Second Count".  Remember your why - and what is important to you.  And, make time for those things.  Every second counts. 

Home Child School Day:
Home Child School Day is this Tuesday.  Please remember what I said about HCSD - your one and only goal is to make sure families leaving smiling and knowing you care about them.  The paperwork and traditional presentations are not what is important - the relationships you build are.

I sent an Instant Alert home to families on Friday night to let them know about the building progress.  I did explain that our building is not completely finished - the priority was classrooms and learning spaces.  Our hallways, office, landscaping/groundwork, and other common areas will be completed after school hours in early September.

Remember, we are meeting from 10-10:40 on Tuesday to discuss PBIS - mostly building expectations and how to teach these to students next week.

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

I am THRILLED to be starting the 17-18 school year in our new building.   And, as always, I am even more thrilled to be a team member for the best elementary school in the state.   You are amazing educators who do wonderful things.  I'm so thrilled to be starting again!

Enjoy your last day of break and see you Tuesday!

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