Friday, September 8, 2017

Weekly Update - September 8, 2017

Good morning!
We did it - week one is complete!  We've had a great start in a great new building.  It's going to be a terrific year.

DIBELS Testing-  Tuesday:
We start DIBELS testing on Tuesday.  We will be using the Learning Studio for all testing.   Libby created a schedule (click here to see the schedule).   Please be on time for your testing!  Also, please keep your students quiet in this area (we are missing a display case which is causing an opening into the Learning Studio).

AM Arrival & PM Dismissal:
A huge thank you to everyone who is helping make this work.  It was a crazy day one - however, things are starting to improve as we get into our routines.  Just a couple of notes:
  • K and 1st Grade - you may want to dismiss a few minutes early to get through the front door and outside without the bigger kids. 
  • Drop Off Lane - should be continually moving.  Parents need to wait in their car if parked in the drop off lane.  If they want to come to the door, they need to park.
  • Parking Lot - please park back a bit so we leave room for families who visit during the day.  
  • Exit - The exit onto Hemlock (from 22nd) is now a right turn only.  This helped tremendously yesterday with cars exiting our lot.  It's right turn only from 7:30-8 and 2-3:00pm)
PBIS Stations & Matrixes:
Please continue to teach (and over teach) the building expectations to your learners.  This includes all staff, not just classroom teachers.  The more we do in the beginning, the better the result will be!

I placed an order for signage in the building - particularly matrixes.  I will get those up as soon as they arrive.

Construction Update:
I found out yesterday they are finishing the flooring in the main lobby on Saturday.  It will be nice to get that area completed with flooring.   There will be some other projects this weekend, too.  Thank you for your flexibility with all the work that needs to be complete.  

I am meeting next week with Bob and Sal (Wold Architects) to walk the building.  After this, I will be able to place some additional furniture orders.  Again, thanks for being flexible!

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Morning Meetings:

I got to visit some morning meetings yesterday as I went around the building.  Wow. Even as an outsider coming in, I could tell the tone of the morning was way different - calm, fun, and focused on relationships & community.  It's great to see that already becoming a routine in all of our K-5 classrooms.  

Have a great weekend - take some down time to relax and rejuvenate!


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