Friday, December 21, 2018

Weekly Update- Friday, December 21, 2018

Happy Last Day before Winter Break!  

Make Sure You Relax Over Break!
It's time to relax, rejuvenate, and spend time with those you love!  Looking for ways to relax and rejuvenate over break... see the article below.  Read a good book, binge watch a Netflix series, or eat some comfort food... just to share a few!  
Click here to access the article 

Transition Day - Jan 2
Just a reminder of our January 2 Transition Day.  Please see this link for details! 

Positive Office Referrals:
In January, we will be starting a "positive office referral" for students.  This office referral is meant to bring students to the office for positive things - above and beyond the normal expectation.  When a student comes down, they will ring the "gong" below (it will be located in the office).  Then, I will take a picture of the student holding their positive office referral.   Then, every week, we will tweet out a collage of the students who received this.

This is NOT meant to take the place of a McKinleyStrong slip.  This is meant for the "above and beyond" situations, not the day to day successes.  Think of it like behavior - is it classroom-managed or office-managed?  We obviously want to celebrate students with the positive office referral; however, we can't have all kids getting them, every day.  I would say one every week (or even every two weeks) would be a general rule.  This really comes down to the amount of time and this losing it's impact if we issue too many.
I'm excited to see how this works out!

ISD 761 Foundation Grant:
The ISD 761 Foundation Grant directions were sent out this week.   This is a great opportunity to request money for those innovative projrects you've been wanting to try.  In the past, we received our guided math, outdoor learning cart, and some of our MakerSpace cart through a foundation grant.  If you want help with this grant, let me know.  If you can think of something we need as a building, I'd be glad to write one!  

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week:
Our McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week goes to 1st Grade Teacher, Jen Schlauderaff!  Jen is a collaborative & compassionate educator who creates an environment focused on every student, every day.  One of the things that impresses me most about Jen is her role as a learner herself.  Jen is always looking for ways to grow and develop as an educator... to ultimately serve her students.  We are so lucky to have Jen at McKinley.  Jen, thank you for being McKinleyStrong! 

Have a great break, everyone!  Enjoy every minute of this time with your loved ones!  Also, take some time to rejuvenate and recharge your "battery"!  

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