Friday, January 4, 2019

Weekly Update - Friday, January 3, 2019

Happy Friday, everyone!   

A huge thank you to those of you who helped dance and welcome students on Monday.  It was a great hit - despite the cold weather!

And, transition day was a hit.  It was great to see all the reconnecting, re-building, and re-teaching going on!  Nice work! 

Protected Core Instruction

Just a reminder of the importance of core instruction that is protected, high quality, and engaging.  As we enter into the remainder of the year, please continue to protect reading and math blocks.  As you know, 85% of our learners needs can be met through core instruction.  We have room to grow there; however, our work needs to continue to treat this time as one of the most important of the day.  

I Wish My Teacher Knew...
This story was featured on ABC New's "America Strong" segment.  A teacher in Colorado had students respond to "I wish my teacher knew...".  Her students responses were pretty powerful.  This is a great example of getting to know our students on a deeper level.  What a great way to have students "share" what they wish.  #iwishmyteacherknew

After School Program - Block II starts!
Our ASP Block II starts on Tuesday, January 8, 2019.  Please remind those who are participating.  Also, just a reminder that buses leave at 3:55pm.  Click here to see the ASP Block II document

McKinleyStrong Celebration - January 11:
Please do not share with students, yet...

We filled the jar!  As a reward, our students will enjoy some time outdoors. As a team, schedule an hour to enjoy some outdoor activities.  Please let Justin know what time you are planning on going outside.  

Possible Activities:
  • Paint/Chalk
  • Building stuff in snow
  • Nature Center exploration
  • Paint in the snow (water/food coloring in a bottle)
  • Geocaching-would require planning and GPS’ from Meagher
  • Team building games (grid game-Lang)
  • Snow Olympics Obstacle Course

Hot Chocolate will be available in the Learning Studio during the day.   If the warmer is low, please fill it up for the next group.

We will need help with materials - do you have any of the following to bring in?
Water warmers

Welcome Wagon Team! 
Our "Welcome Wagon Team" is officially ready to greet and support our newest McKinley Monkeys!  For those of you who don't know, two members of this team will be paired up with a new student on their first day of school.  They will help them tour the school, meet people, and be available during lunch and recess times.  Let's welcome our Welcome Wagon!

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week:
Our McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week goes to 5th Grade Teacher, Amy Wencl!  Amy is an educator who is positive and focused on every student, every day.  Amy creates a classroom environment that is centered on relationships, differentiation of needs, and positive energy.   One of the things that impresses me most about Amy is her passion & dedication for making sure every students' needs are met.  Keep being #mckinleystrong, Mrs. Wencl!  

Enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend - it's going to be a "heat wave"! :)

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