Friday, January 18, 2019

Weekly Update - Friday, January 18, 2019

Happy Friday, everyone!

Family Night - A Cold Night's Read:
We had an awesome family night last night.  Families participated in Flipgrid, countless strucures being built, and more cubes in mittens that you can fathom... and much more!  A huge thank yo to Angela, Karen, Lori, Amanda, Sami, Denise, Julie, Rachel, and Libby for all your hard work to make this a success!

MLK Day - Monday:
Monday is one of our formal professional development day as educators.  The sessions and learning look amazing - I'm excited to see what learning you take away from Monday's session.  Please put yourself into that place as a learner and continue to grow as an educator, as well as person.  Also, join in and Tweet out your learning.  Let the world know what great work you are doing! 

Increase in Behaviors:
This is the time of year that is hard - for our students, but sometimes ourselves too.  We have seen an increase in office referrals in the last week (a 110% increase).  We are entering that time of year that the re-teaching of expectations may become a weekly - or daily - thing.  Also, please remember that behavior is no different than reading or math.  If a student struggles with reading or math, we support and re-teach the skills.   Why would we not with behavior, too?

Please do not forget about our tier 2 behavior plans, too.  You may have students who need to be put onto an assistance plan for a while. 

Family-Teacher Conferences:
Family-Teacher Conferences are coming up (Jan 29, 30, and Feb 1).   This is a perfect time to revisit growth and set new goals with students and families.   FastBridge data will be provided to you after the window closes (unfortunately, this is date is close to conferences - there will be a quick turn around on this). 

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week:
The McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week goes to Educational Assistant, Steph Stolp!  Steph is a compassionate, dedicated educator who is always student-centered.  One of the things that impresses me most about Steph is her focus on what students need.  She is always looking for ways to continue to make sure McKinley is a great place for every learner!   Keep being #mckinleystrong, Steph! 

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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