Friday, October 2, 2020

October 2 Update

Happy Friday, McKinley Educators! 
I hope you've had a great week of learning and relationships.  It's going to start the downward trend for temperature - please remind students we are outside, warm or cold temperature.  Dress for the weather!

What are your actions showing? Your priorities?  This is always a great reminder for me - the words I use, the things I do, and the way I behave all show my priorities.....

Check-In - ALL STAFF should complete:
We are four weeks in - it's time to check in on YOU!  Please complete the survey below.  It's designed around a 3-2-1 response.  Please include 3 responses for the 3 question, 2 responses for the 2 questions, and 1 response for the 1 question.  Please complete this by Wednesday, October 7.  Thank you! 

Formative Assessments:
Just a reminder to continue to build in formative assessments into your daily instrcution.  We need checks for understanding and formatvie assessments to know if the teaching is becoming learning.  Technology is a great tool to use to build these formative assessments.  

Also, there is no formal reporting (report card) for quarter 1.  We will report for quarters 2, 3, and 4.  

Where Did Your Story Begin?  Coming Soon!
We will be putting a large world map in the main hallway in the next week.  Each student and staff will be getting a marker to indicate where in the world their story began.  We may move to having families add this too.  The goal is to continue to recognize - and value- that we started our story somewhere.  Each of our stories add to the assets we bring to McKinley!  

Google Classroom: 
Just a friendly reminder to get your students into Google Classroom.  In the event we move to distance learning, or need to quarantine a classroom, we are expecting students to be familiar with their Google Classroom.  If you haven't, you will want to get students into this - navigating it and doing learning activities on GC.   If you need help with this, please let Libby or myself know. 

On another note, please know that we have detailed plans if we need to close school or a classroom.  The plans clearly outline the steps we would take to notify and move forward with distance learning.  A huge thank you to Michelle Krell and Teaching and Learning for their work on this!  Don't stress, it's covered! 

Hashtags & Twitter:
First, I love getting on to Twitter and seeing all the great things you are doing!  If you haven't been sharing, now is your time! If you tweet with something, please use the following hashtags:  

#mckinleystrong - to share things specific to our program.  
#owatonnaproud - to share things, district-wide, you are proud of.  Our social media company watches this hashtag and uses it for retweets and marketing.  

If you do tweet, please make sure you are not showing students' last names.  

Building Weekly Update:

Just a friendly reminder to be reading your email carefully.  We do a great job at McKinley of communicating - and keeping everyone in the "know"!  Please make sure you are reading emails carefully and are aware of what is going on in the building.

Have a great weekend, everyone!  Go do something for YOU!

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October 4 Update

Happy Homecoming! Another great week at McKinley!    Toot Your Horn Thursday: This week's Toot Your Horn Thursday Winner is Brenda Hager...