Friday, October 9, 2020

October 9 Update

Happy Friday, Everyone!
I hope you've had a great week! 

I know we have those days - days we are exhausted and have nothing left to give.  Keep this and remind yourself - you made someone smile and feel loved.  This hasn't been the easiest start to a year, has it?  One thing remains constant - we have our students HERE and they are loved.  And, that matters a lot.  

Google Tech Toolkit:
Kenneth Griswold recently shared a Google Tech Toolkit. This is a great document with family-friendly information regarding Google.  This may be something you consider sharing with your families - particularly so they are ready for Google in the event we go distance learning (HOPEFULLY NOT!).  

Social Media:
Below are some tips and guidelines around using social media with students.  Please remember - I fully encourage and support you to be using social media, particularly Twitter.  If you haven't been, please get on and start to share our story!  Also, don't forget to be sending pictures to  

Notes from Libby:
If you have students who did not bring headphones/earbuds and you would like them to have some for use at school (we would collect them again at the end of the year), please send Libby the number of students who do not have some already by Monday (10/12), and we will see how many we can accommodate.

Response to Data Meetings Follow Up:
It was awesome to meet with each grade level team and brainstorm some ideas for supporting students’ growth in literacy and math! 
Here are some documents that came up in several of the meetings, and I wanted to make sure everyone had access:
Updated Assessment Criteria (Fastbridge Target Scores)
Fluency Routine
If you want to talk about any support for specific students, please reach out to me, and we can collaborate around that.  I’m encouraged by all of the ideas that people are already putting in place to meet students’ needs and foster their growth!

Independent Reading:
There has been a lot of conversation in the past couple of weeks around purposeful independent reading time.  We know that this year, with the shortened day, they will have even less independent reading time than normal.  It will be more important than ever to make every minute purposeful and productive.  I’ve drafted some ideas for independent reading time; however, the majority of their time should be spent in text, reading and responding.  

We know years ago, when we read some research from Lucy Calkins, it was suggested that elementary students need 90 minutes of purposeful time in text each day.  Other research suggests 40-45 minutes of independent in text time during the school day with additional time outside of the school day.  Keep in mind that while guiding reading and independent reading (applying a minilesson) count towards those minutes, IRA or other listening to the text type opportunities where they are not fully engaged in reading the words, does not count towards those minutes.  We need to continue to foster their love of reading so that they are so engaged in books, they want to bring them home and continue reading in the evening!  

Reading leadership will be talking at our next meeting about what we can do to encourage reading at home.  If you have ideas or suggestions, connect with your reading leadership rep in the next week. 

Building Weekly Newsletter:

It's going to be a beautiful weekend.  Take some time to put school "away" - get outside and enjoy the weather and those you love!  - Justin

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