Friday, November 17, 2023

November 16 Update

Happy Friday, McKinley!
Due to Thanksgiving break, this blog will be for this week and next week.

2 more days..... 2 more days..... 2 more days......

Take some time next week to truly check out and eat some yummy food.  It's important you recharge yourself.  Make sure you do something you enjoy and be with those you love!  

Volume in Building:
Starting Monday, we need to monitor the noise our classes/groups are making as they are in our common spaces and hallways.  In full transparency, it's gotten really bad and it seems we've given up on even addressing it.  I now have staff, students, and families commenting on the noise.  We need to be monitoring this, stopping the class, and overall supervising and addressing this.  It is no longer an option to just send our kids by grade level - we need classes and a controlled line.   Please let me know if this is something your grade wants to discuss more and I'd be happy to chat.  

Transition Day - 11/27:

Warm Demander - all staff read:
This quote really hit me.  
Read this quote a few times.  There's a few phrases that stand out to me about our work as a warm demander.   

"Convince them of their own brilliance".... it's more than just telling them to do something.  it's about getting students to discover their strengths, passions, and capacity.  

"in a disciplined and structured environment".... it's more than just rules or expectations.  It's about setting a structured environment where students can be safe (intellectually safe, too).  The word "disciplined" stands out to me... students know the routines, expectations, and are regularly reminded of this to meet that expectation.  

I watched a webinar this week in which Zaretta talked about warm demander.  She gave an analogy that still sticks with me.  Our job as a warm demander is about being a "personal trainer of cognitive capacity".   It's about being that cheerleader, advocate, push, and coach.   Zaretta talked about how, as personal trainers, our job is to expect that extra sit up.  When students say "I can't do it", we say "Yes, I know you can" and cheer them on.  Then, when they do that extra sit up, we help them see the intrinsic excitement and pride that comes with realizing they really could do another sit up.  So, my question for you is - as a warm demander, are you warm, demanding, or acting as that personal trainer?

Tasks -vs- Learning:
This idea may sound common sense - tasks vs learning.  However, as you really start to think about this (and notice what is happening in your classroom, as well as others), this whole idea starts to get challenged.  Are we focused on tasks or learning?  When you design your learning blocks, are you thinking of the learning you want students to master or a task (learning activity) they can complete?  Now, think about your day.  Are you seeing tasks or learning?  Are students revisiting their learning days later or are they turning something in and moving on?    I recently came across this blog entry - it's a quick read (please take the time to read)

This is an idea I'd like to challenge you to think more about - are you creating tasks or learning experiences?  

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a GREAT weekend!  Two days next week.... enjoy your Thanksgiving Break! 

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October 4 Update

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