Thursday, March 19, 2015

Principal's Update- March 19, 2015

Happy Spring!   Spring in an elementary school is my favorite time of the year.  It's a great time to celebrate the learning that has happened, as well as reflect and gear up for the 2015-2016 school year!

Looking ahead next week:
  • On Monday, we will have some intervention teachers from Faribault in our building.  As a district, they are doing some learning work and want to see how some of the instruction here at McKinley.
  • Tuesday night is McKinley's night at Buffalo Wild Wings.  Grab your family and friends and enjoy dinner at BWW! 
  • Thursday is a lockdown practice.  Please take some time to read your colorful "Emergency Response Procedures".  As I said at the meeting, that "book" contains relevant information! 

Book Study Follow-Up
We had a great discussion on Monday regarding our book study.  Thank you to all who participated.  I'm excited to begin this learning to ultimately improve your system and structures here at McKinley. 

After our meeting, I had a couple staff ask- - "If the book study is for ALL kids, why aren't ALL staff participating?"  Wow.  Great question.  Looking back, specialists and all support staff should have read the first 3 chapters- philosophical, foundational information on the work we are doing.  This would have helped everyone have the basic understanding of our learning.  Beyond that, the book isn't applicable to their content area/position.  We aren't to the point where structures are available for all to intervene (we have reading and math interventions at this point).  Because of this, we won't be having them read the rest of the book.  However, I will be photocopying chapter 3 for specialists so they understand the rationale behind scheduling and structures. 

Just a reminder- please come prepared with your reading and ready to share your thoughts.  This is learning work-  a time for us to see what else is out there and decide how it works with our building. 

MCA Schedule
The MCA schedule was sent out earlier this week.  During this time, the library will have limited hours due to testing.  Click here to see the schedule.  As I stated in my email, I had to create the schedule to ensure that all kids get tested in our testing window.    

3rd-5th grade teachers, I'd like to stop in and energize your kids about testing.  Please schedule a 5-10 minute meeting the day before you begin testing (with Lorri).

ISD 761 Foundation Grants
McKinley was awarded a couple ISD 761 Foundation Grants- woo hoo!
  • Guided Math Library- we will be creating a guided math library with games, manipulatives, and resources to use in whole and small group math.   
  • 3D Doodle Pens (like 3D printers) and circuit scribe pens (you can draw a circuit that actually works)- thanks to Amanda Gislason for submitting this!
Teacher of the Year Nominees
Congratulations to Mark Langlois, Kayla Davis, and Tamra Gonzalez for their nomination to be the Owatonna Teacher of the Year!  What a great group of teachers to be up for this honor.  Also, I think it says something about the quality of our building- 3 of the 6 are McKinley Monkeys!  Congrats again!

Growth Mindset
For the past week, I've started re-reading Mindset by Carol Dweck.  For those of you who haven't read this, the premise of the book is around two concepts- growth and fixed mindsets.  The book really breaks down how powerful a growth mindset is.  For the next few weeks, I'll update the blog with some of things I'm learning/reflecting on from the book.  As I read, many parts remind me of the staff here- willing and ready to do whatever it takes to get the job done.  Below is a video I found that does a great job of introducing "growth mindset" (3 min, 50 secs- well worth watching!)

Valet Parking for the Week
Our Valet Parking for the Week goes to Jen Koziolek.  Jen is an exceptional kindergarten teacher who is dedicated to our profession.  Whether it's tying a shoe, helping a student in small group, or walking down the hall, Jen always has a smile and positive attitude.  Jen is a true advocate for her students- both academically, socially, and emotionally.  We are very lucky to have Jen at McKinley!

Have a great Friday and weekend, everyone!  Take some time to "sharpen your saw"!

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