Friday, March 6, 2015

Principal's Update- March 6, 2015

Happy Teacher Workday! 

There's a lot of information in this blog update- good thing you have a whole day to read it! :)

Morning Attendance
Please, please, please make sure you are doing an accurate check of attendance each morning.  Lately, we have families who have one child marked tardy and the other not.  We all know that siblings may take longer than each other once inside the building, however, with our attendance policy, we need to be as accurate as possible!    Thank you!

Sign Out of Building
If you leave the building during the day, please sign in and out of the office (and no, Lorri & Steph can't do it for you!).  This is a safety & security concern more than anything.  If we go into a lockdown or evacuate the building, we need to know that you are out of the building.  This is all staff! 

Door to Music/Art
Now that the weather is getting warmer, you can use Door 8 (by the gym) when you go to and from music and art.   With the weather still questionable, make a judgment call each day.  If you feel it's warm enough, use Door 8.  If not, continue to use the 3rd grade door.  Eventually, we will move all grade levels to using this door (except for 2nd and 3rd grade).   Thank you to 3rd grade, Paige, Mara, and Amanda for dealing with all the in and out each day!

Para Support
I wanted to do a quick update so we are all on the same page.  There is some frustration out there regarding Para minutes, wanting more support in the classroom, etc.   I completely understand your frustration.  I do ask that you look at this issue in regards to the building, not just your classroom.  With the increasing needs here at McKinley, our SPED team has looked at Para schedules a few times since I started.  If you feel you need more time, you can address this with your Case Manager.  However, please know that we cannot honor all requests.  This team has worked hard to make the best situation we can with limited staffing. 

And, thank you to our awesome Paraprofessionals.  Most of you have quite the schedule- and you do it with a smile on your face each and every day.

STEM Video
Dr. M created a great promo video for our website.  When you have an extra 6 minutes, enjoy the video! 
Next Week
*Book Fair & Lunch with a Loved One (Grades 1, 4,&5 on March 12, Grades K,2, &3 on March 13)
*MDE will be visiting our building on March 11.  This is for an audit of our district's EL programming (in case you see people in the building)
*The police will be doing a walkthrough on March 11 with Mr. Olson.  Again, in case you see them.  This is mostly so they know the layout of the building when students are here. 
Valet Parking for the Week
There is no Valet Parking for the Week.  This was an auction item at the carnival and the family will be using it next week.  
A Snapshot of McKinley Learning This Week




Thanks to all those who participated in Dress Like a Book Character Day! 
Sorry if I missed you.

McKinley STEM was featured in the Steele County Times. 

Thanks to the staff who got "pied" last week!  The kids loved it!

1st Grade Map Open House

4th Grade Inquiry Projects
Mrs. Koziolek's class participated in "Spread the Word to End the Word Day"
Have a nice workday and weekend, everyone!

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