Friday, February 27, 2015

Principal's Update- Friday, February 27, 2015

It's already the end of February!  It seems like yesterday that we were finding milk cartons, prizes, and getting everything in order for our "Escape with a Good Book" month!

STEM Brochure
Thanks to Dr. M, we now have a McKinley STEM brochure!  This STEM brochure will help show the community, as well as visitors to our building, what we do.  Click here to see a copy of the final brochure (if you see any mistakes, please let me know ASAP!). 

Rita Reding Scholarship
An email came out from Sarah Hoffmann about the Rita Reading Scholarship.  This scholarship is for any teacher who is interested in some professional development in the area of reading.  Please consider applying for this scholarship- by yourself or as a team.  This is a great opportunity to see "what else is out there" in the area of reading.  If you need me to re-send the email, let me know.

Subbing/Staff Development
We had a mix-up this week with subs and staff development (sorry Paige G and Kayla!).  I just wanted to clarify something- if we have a shortage in the district, staff development opportunities are the first to get pulled back into the classroom.  However, after our mix-up this week, we now have a process in place to communicate which groups/teachers will be pulled back and who won't.  Hopefully this illness season is over so we don't need to worry about sub shortages!

Office Referrals
If you send a student to the office, please be clear about why they are being referred.  I completely understand you are in the middle of teaching and it's hard to communicate this.  However, I'm seeing more and more students and not sure the "true picture" of why they are there (can you believe a kid wouldn't tell the truth about getting in trouble!?).  Just consider some type of note or communication- not only does it help me understand what is going on, but it helps me stay consistent with what you have already done.   A quick phone call to Lorri or I, email, instant message on Lync, have an EA/para walk them down, etc...  in the long run, it will help us all. 

Valet Parking of the Week
Our Valet Parking for next week goes to Doug Warner.  Doug is such a helpful, positive support to our students and staff.  Doug truly cares about the students he serves and will do anything to help see them succeed.  Thanks for all you do, Doug. 

A Snapshot of Learning

Thank you to the American Legion for new Patrol flags!  And, thanks for our advisors,
Sonya & Doug for this and everything else you do with patrol.  

Although participation was low, our Science Fair was a success last night.  Thank you to everyone who helped judge, set-up, etc.  Also, a special thank you to Rachael E, Lori H, and Dr. M for all you work on this!
- This pretty much sums up my week, how about you?  Have a nice weekend! - Justin

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