Friday, February 6, 2015

Principal's Update- February 6, 2015

It's warming up outside! Woo hoo!
I apologize for how short this blog post is.  Lorri and I have been busy in the office- lots of "visitors" today! :)

In District Mail:
Any personal mail cannot be sent through inner-district mail.  Inner-district mail is for district mail only.  Thank you for your help with this!

STEM Night:
We had a great turnout for STEM Night.  A huge thanks to everyone who helped make this night happen.  We heard some amazing feedback from families!  Below are some pictures:

The PTO Carnival is Saturday from 2-5pm.  The PTO does a great job with this- if you are looking for something to do, stop by!

Classroom Teacher Sub-outs:
Classroom teachers will be subbed out on February 16, 17, and 18th.  Jayne will be sending the schedule out next week- watch for it.  During this time, your team will observe the grade below you and focus on four areas:  questioning (think time & balance of questioning), rigor, structure (teaching-vs-procedural), and engagement.  We will create some observable questions in those 4 areas.

During these days, teachers may stop in your room.  Don't be shocked- or afraid.  We are simply observing ways to connect the dots for our McKinley learners. 

Site Team Feedback:
Your Site Team rep will be getting some feedback from your team.  Please know that this feedback is valued and used for planning purposes. 

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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