Friday, February 20, 2015

Principal's Update- 2/20/15

Happy Friday!  Take some time today to thaw out!

Classroom Teacher Sub outs:
Sub outs this week were a success.  Thank you for allowing others to enter your classroom!  Also, thanks to Jayne for setting this up and guiding us through the process.   I'm impressed with the level of dedication and growth this staff has.  Everyone is focused on students, learning, and ways to grow as a professional.  Jayne and I will compile the de-briefing comments and send out next week.

Teacher Book Study:
Books were delivered to teachers yesterday.  I also attached a plan for us to complete the book before June.  Thank you to the teams that provided feedback on this- I used the feedback to design our study of the book.  Like I stated in the meeting, this book focuses on how we, collectively, can structure ourselves to more efficiently and effectively support students.  If you have questions or concerns about the study, please let me know ASAP.

I Love to Read Finale:
Next week, we will gather to do our finale assembly (Friday @ 2pm).  There will be lots of prizes for students and classes who participated.  One of the prizes is "pie a teacher".  We will choose one student per grade level to "pie a teacher".  This is a SECRET as of now.  Do not share with students.  We will let you know by Thursday if you are being "pied" so you can dress appropriately on Friday.  Please let me know if you are absolutely opposed to getting pied.

Special Events Next Week:
Next week, we have the McKinley Blood Drive (Monday) and Science Fair (Thursday).  If you are interested in volunteering at either event, we'd love your help.  And, the kids would love to see you!

Valet Parking of the Week:
Our valet spot goes to Lori Huisenga.  Poor Lori took a fall and has broken her ankle.  She will need all the help she can get when she returns next week.  Let's make her "walk" into school a little shorter (although, Miss 6:30am is normally parked pretty close to the building anyhow!).  Help welcome Lori back when you see her!

Snapshot of the Week:
Lauren and Taylor Busho received a police escort to school on Friday.  This was a prize they received at the school carnival.  We better hope this is the only police escort we have this year!

Miles Grimmius was our Principal of the Day on Friday.  Again, this was a prize from the Carnival.  As much as he may have promised all of you days off or more pay, dream on! :)
Last Saturday, I pulled into the parking lot to work and found Lorri Harrison's truck with a police car behind it.  You'll have to take a minute to ask Lorri why the police were here Saturday! :)
Anyone else seeing a theme here- McKinley and police!??!
Have a great weekend, everyone!  Enjoy the heat wave!

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