Tuesday, February 10, 2015

A couple good finds...

I have a couple good "finds" I wanted to share...  Happy Tuesday!

Show What You Know!
"Show What You Know" is an active learning strategy where students work collaboratively, but with accountability.  The directions are pretty clearly explained (see link).  This is a great way to add a different level of engagement to any lesson! 


Number Detectives
This activity is a great warm-up for any grade level.  The process helps students understand number sense.  The below will need to be "tweeked" for primary grades (I don't think a kindergartener will know exponential notation!).  This can be done whole group, small group (differentiate what numbers you give each student based on their background) or allow students to work collaboratively (mixed ability) to show their number.

Click here to see Number Detectives

Why am I doing this job???
Sami Nelson shared a link from a Duluth Public Schools teacher reminding us about the whole child.  A lot of you could be the teacher below...

At my fall/winter/spring job I'm a hole filler. Fortunately, I'm equipped with lots of fingers and toes for plugging because sometimes I feel like the row boat is sinking and I can't bail fast enough.

My little clients have all been homeless during the current school year.

My mission, should I choose to accept it, is to be a part of a team that works with and for these little people to make sure they are "at grade level" or above.


So, I don't even know where to begin to tell what that looks like, the easy ones are "Little client is reading below grade level."

Until you dig in and "Little client has moved 4 times this school year. Little client has been in more schools than he/she is years old. Little client's dad beats the hell out of mom and little client sees/hears/is victim to it all. Little client sleeps on the floor. Little client's meals are all at school. Little client believes the county 'takes kids away' and school is where that happens. Little client's parent is in jail. Little client is responsible for waking up and getting him/herself and younger siblings up and off to the school bus. Little client hasn't slept."

Sometimes my little clients are not ready to learn.

Their classroom teachers work tirelessly to create a space where they can learn and play and be in community....and sometimes the "other stuff" just gets in the way.

And it, often, doesn't get solved quickly.

Which brings me to I love you......

I said to a much wiser coworker the other day..."The number of times I almost say 'I love you' to a kiddo is ridiculous." I'll say, "Have a great rest of your day!".....and then it almost slips out....

And he turned to me and smiled and said, "Why don't you just say it?"

Good question.

This same coworker......while we were bidding farewell to the littlest of our clients addressed a Kindergartner's question to both of us, "Is magic real?"

You know what he said? He bent down to the kindergarten boy and pointed to me and said, "You see that? You see that smile on her face? Can you see the magic in there?"

I can.

There's a little magic in real affection and care. I can't fill all the holes....but there is still a little magic in loving, despite the holes.

Have a great rest of your day, I love you.

-Have a great week!

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