Friday, October 30, 2015

Principal's Update- Friday, October 30, 2015

Happy Halloween! 
What a crazy week- a full moon and Halloween! 

Using the term "Rti"- ALL STAFF
It's been great to see the work you have put into our tier 2 and the "Power Half Hour".  I have been so impressed with the conversations where we are really looking at student need in each grade and how to address it.  Thank you to everyone who has worked so hard to make "Power Half Hour" effective. 

In your conversations, I want to challenge you to reconsider your use of the word, "Rti".  Rti is not Julie/Cheryl and Gia.  Rti is our entire system- core/grade level instruction, tier 2, and tier 3.  Julie/Cheryl and Gia are our tier 3 programming.  Rti is our building structure to ensure that students get rigorous grade level standards AND support for skills they are missing (grade level or foundational skills).    As we move forward, consider using "tier 2" and "tier 3" instead of just "Rti". 

Patrol Fundraiser
Our Patrols, with the help of their wonderful advisor Sonya, have created a fundraiser through Schwan's.  This fundraiser helps pay for some of their equipment, as well as their end of the year trip.  Click here to see the online catalog of items.   Questions, see Sonya!

Office Referrals- October 2015
Below are our office referrals for the month of October (not including today):
Total referrals: 43 (up 20 from September)

      Classroom: 23
      Hallway: 1
      Playground: 2
      Bus: 5
      Restroom: 6
      Other: 6

      Inappropriate language: 1
      Fighting/Physical Aggression: 12
      Disrespect: 14
      Defiance: 6
      Harassment/Bullying: 2
      Disruption: 5
      Theft: 1
      Weapon: 0
       Other: 5

Possible Motivator:
      Peer attention: 8
      Adult attention: 4
      Obtain items/activity: 1
      Avoid peers: 0
      Avoid adults: 1
      Avoid task or activity: 10
      Don't know: 11
      Other: 11

Total Out-of-School Suspensions: 4
Total In-School Suspensions: 1

I will be meeting with the PBIS team in the next month to start to analyze this data.  It's interesting to already start to see trends from just two months of data collection. 

Weekly Building Newsletter
Click here to see the weekly newsletter

Valet Parking for the Week
The Valet Parking for the Week goes to 1st grade teacher, Michelle Simon!  Michelle is an outstanding teacher who has high expectations for her learners.  Michelle loves to see kids succeed and will take multiple approaches with them to ensure mastery.  Michelle always has a positive attitude that is contagious.  Thanks for all you do, Michelle! 

Thank you to everyone for this past week.  It's hard being out of the building for two straight days.  It's great to know things just move along smoothly without me.  A huge thank you to Justin Lang, Justin Lang, and Annette Kleinschrodt for assisting with some unique situations.  We truly have the best team here at McKinley!

Enjoy your weekend- and trick or treating!

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