Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Principal's Update- Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Good morning- and happy "Friday"!

We've made it to MEA Break!   Enjoy your time off!

Closing Up Room(s):
With the break upon us, please make sure your room is closed up for the weekend- close blinds, electronics off, lights off, etc.  Also, please take a minute to make sure any food is out of the refrigerators. 

After School Program:
After School Program starts next Tuesday, October 20th and will run until Thursday, November 19.  The program is from 2:30-4:00pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  If you are interested in applying, there are a few positions still available! 

Please enter all absences into AESOP- this includes staff development, doctor's appointments, personal time, or personal illnesses. Please enter this in a timely manner (all absences, other than illness, should be entered 2-3 days prior to being gone).  If you are having issues with your login, please contact Mallory or Hannah in HR. 

Infinitec Training:
Your Infinitec Training is due Thursday, October 15! If you haven't completed this, please do some immediately.  This is for ALL STAFF.

Checking for Understanding:
Below is a link to 53 ways to check for student understanding and mastery.  During a PLC cycle, it takes 4-5 formative assessments to truly gauge a student's mastery of an Enduring Understanding.  Here are some great ways to do the day-to-day checks for understanding:

53 Ways to Check for Understanding

Referendum Update:
During conferences, we had some representatives here to share some referendum information with our families.  A video played in the entry way, letting parents see the urgency of this vote.  If you missed the video, here is a link:  https://vimeo.com/139385586

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to see the building weekly newsletter

Valet Parking for the Week:
The valet parking for the week goes to Darlene Runner!  There are three words to describe Darlene- positive, energetic, and all about kids.  Darlene brings a positive attitude to work each and every day.  Her positive attitude is always focused on kids and learning.  We are lucky to have Darlene as part of our McKinley team! 

Enjoy your long weekend and take some time to sharpen your saw!

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