Friday, October 9, 2015

Principal's Update- Friday, October 9, 2015

Happy Friday! 
Was it a full moon all week or what?  Crazy, busy week!

Just a reminder- we have students here on Monday and Tuesday only (next week). Conferences are Monday night, Tuesday, night, and Wednesday morning. 

Discipline Data for September:
I will be updating you with discipline data each month, based on the office referrals only.  This is why it is so critical to get these turned in to the office.  Overall, we had 22 discipline referrals turned in for the month of September.  When you look at this data, not all numbers will add up to 23 (with some of the choices, you can choose 2 options).

74% - classroom
22% - playground
4%- other

38% - disrespect
24%- defiance
24%- physical aggression/fighting
14%- disruption

Possible Motivator:
15%- avoid task/activity
58%- don't know
12%- obtain item/activity
12%- peer attention
3% - adult attention

Number of Out-of-School Suspensions (OSS):  0

After we begin to gather more data, the PBIS team will meet and spend some time analyzing this data to see what changes we need to make around McKinley.

Translating Documents/Field Trips:
Please make sure that any document sent home is translated.  Also, when you have an upcoming event or field trip, please let Sylvia and Ayan/Nura know about it.  They are fielding a lot of calls regarding upcoming events/trips and have no background knowledge about it.

After School Program:
If you are interested in working/teaching after school, hurry and apply!  We need more people!

Literacy Coach Data- September:
I've asked Libby to keep track of how staff is using her role at McKinley.  Below are some ways we used her in September:
  • Completed phonemic awareness assessment on 29 first graders.
  • Completed DRA (to discover students’ guided library levels) on 1 fourth grader and two kindergarteners
  • Co-planned kindergarten anchor lessons
  • Co-planned second grade anchor lessons
  • Co-taught a kindergarten anchor lesson
  • Modeled looking for evidence in text in 5 first grade classrooms
  • Co-planned and co-taught Words Their Way in a second grade class
  • Gathered graphic organizers for fifth grades critical EU
  • Gathered ideas for a fourth grade teacher on making content reading more interactive
  • Supported one teacher of special education with determining the text complexity of texts
  • Assisted with STEM-ifying second grade reading texts
Because of scheduling, Libby is going to attend your common planning time(s) when you request it.  Because she is split between here and Wilson, it is too hard to plan for her at every week 5 common planning.  If you need her, please email her- she'd be glad to join you! 

No costumes (again this year).  Also, let's make sure we refer to any class events as "fall parties" instead of "Halloween".  

Three Things Students Desire to Hear From Their Teacher:
I read a great article last night on Twitter- there are three words kids want to hear from us. Take a minute to read through the article.

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter.

Valet Parking for the Week:
The Valet Parking for the Week goes to Jen Schlauderaff!  Jen has been a wonderful addition to our 1st grade team this past year.  Jen believes in all kids and will stop at no ends to make sure they are successful.  Jen is also a strong collaborator and learner- she continually looks for input and ways to make her classroom an even better learning environment.  Jen, we're glad you are now a Monkey! 

Have a great, restful weekend- I heard it is going to be beautiful outside!  There are some late nights ahead next week....


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